Y3/4 Expedition field work

On Monday 2nd September, we will be taking year 3 and 4 children on an evacuation trip to our local Methodist Church as part of our new expedition. There is no expectation for children to dress up, however if they wish to they may. We will all be making a gas mask box, an identity label and a luggage label to take too.

The aim of the field work is for the children to experience something similar to what the children in WW2 did during their evacuation. We will leave school at 1pm with a return in time for 3pm pick up. We are hoping this work will engage the children into their new learning.

Here are some ideas for inspiration but please don’t feel you have to buy an outfit – see what you have in the trusty wardrobe!

Mrs Pearson, Mr Mumby, Mr Taylor and Mrs Dutton.

Year 5 Acts of Service!

Year 5 spent this morning out and about in the community, litter picking and delivering ‘Thank you’ notes to people who help us! Some of us were extremely lucky to be invited into the Fire Station for a look around! This ties in perfectly with our Transition guiding question “How can our Crew be strengthened by acts of service to others?“…bring on our Campout to end a perfect day!

KS1 Dress Up Day

To hook our children into our new expedition we will be having a Medieval dress up day Friday 6th September. We invite children to dress up for a special day of medieval fun! If your child does not have an outfit please do not worry! They can wear their own party clothes and we will ensure they make some accessories to compliment their outfit (crowns fit for a king/queen/prince/princess etc).

We can’t wait to see you all dressed up!

Example costumes – King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Knight, Dragon

How can we work together to achieve an end goal?

Over the last few days, the children in Crew Mumby have worked very hard to produce an outstanding piece of collaborative art. We talked about the importance of everyone playing their part to ensure it could be the best we could produce. I think our message will inspire us as the year goes on….

Awesome first day in Class 6

For the first week in our new class we are trying to answer the guiding question, ‘ How does what I do impact others?’. We began to learn a song that showed us how some of our actions are hurting our world. We then thought of some changes we can make to help our world feel better. After lunch we went on a litter hunt in our playground, then counted and categorised what we had collected and made a bar chart to show our findings. We also realised that all the litter we collected can be recycled in some way. Why not ask your child to explain? I’m so proud of them all for the way they have settled into their new class and after the work they have produced today, I’m so excited for the year ahead.

See you tomorrow, Superstars!

Sensory Circuit – Update

For those children who would normally attend sensory circuit from 8.30am, this is not on for the first week back so all children must enter school at their classroom door please. Sensory circuit will commence again from 8.30am on Monday 2nd September.