Class 8 maths work

Today we have been comparing numbers in maths and using the ‘less than’ and ‘greater than’ symbols to compare tens and ones. They showed some super understanding and used the dienes really well. Well done guys!
Mrs Shaw

MacMillan Coffee Morning

A big thank you to everyone who attended the recent MacMillan Coffee Morning as well as the school councillors who helped to set-up and run the event! We look forward to seeing you all again at the next one!

Class 9 | Home Learning

In a creative twist, and having learnt about different shelters used during the Blitz, Arnie has spent some time recently building his very own sort of shelter in the woods. Great effort Arnie!

Class 9 | Poetry Writing

Today, we have spent a lot of time completing our poems that will be used as part of our final product. The children have been editing and improving them before completing a final write up using their best handwriting and presentation!