Class 6 Colour Run

A perfect end to an amazing week! There are no words to describe today…so I’ll let the pictures do the talking…Can’t express how proud I am of you all….I know we are going to have the best year ever!!!

See you next week Superstars xx

Class 7 Colour Run!

Wow! What fun we had during the colour run. It was clear to see the enjoyment and I suspect it was our favourite part of this week!

Before and after!

Here are some more photos!

And finally, I just wanted to wish Class 7 a fantastic weekend and say a massive well done for this week. Thank you for helping me settle into Year 2 – I can’t wait to see what next week brings us! 🙂


Calling all KS2 Singers and dancers! – WE NEED YOU!

Are you interested in taking part in Young Voices – January 2025?! 

If you would like to be a part of the choir and join us at one of the best events of the year remember to sign up for Young Voices club which will start next Tuesday.

Sign up letters for Young Voices will be available next week with further details.

I can’t wait to see lots of you there!

Mrs Spetch

Class 6 Day 3

Today has been a busy one! The children are settling in so well and have worked their socks off. We began by playing team building games then did some fab partner work in phonics. We then deepened our understanding of the harm caused to our world by green house gases and pollution in the oceans. We listened to stories about polar bears and penguins and began to make posters for other classes to encourage them to ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ just like we are! And we still have tomorrow’s Colour Run to look forward to.

I’m so proud of you all!