Year 4 XP Outdoors- Flint & Steels

Today, the Year 4 Crews braced the cold and started XP Outdoors again for the spring term.

A fun challenge: Who still remembers how to use flint and steel?

After a quick demo, it was time to put those skills to the test. At first, there were some hesitant strikes, but soon sparks were flying! Everyone got the hang of it, and by the end, every single crew member nailed it. What a great way to start the term-bring it on, Year 4!

First day back for class 6

Despite the weather this morning it was a pleasure to welcome back my little rays of sunshine to class 6! We have been busy with new phonics and reading groups, a shape maths quiz and counting and understanding numbers to 20, immersing ourselves in our new expedition and having a first try at what will be our product this term – Shrinky Dinks key rings. The children were full of wonderful stories of the lovely time spent with their families over the Christmas break but all of them settled back into our routines beautifully. I’m so proud of you all and I can’t wait to see you soar over the Spring term!

Welcome back Superstars!

Proud of class 8

This isn’t my normal first day back post as it links to maths, not the fun we had this afternoon but I really wanted to share this. Maths in fact was quite a hard lesson, which included exchanging a ten when subtracting but I was very proud of them all today and wanted to share it!

It was great to see everyone back at school today and hear all about your holidays.

We also had a new boy in our class today and the children reminded me of their kindness and compassion towards others with how they made him feel welcome and looked after him.

Can’t wait for tomorrow for more fun (and more hard maths 🙂 )

Class 9 | Hook Week

We have been getting involved with our new expedition and immersing our classroom. We will be spending some time looking at the human skeleton this term so we decided to create a ‘X-ray’ of our hands!

Class 7 plant runner beans!

It is fair to say that Class 7 enjoyed planting runner beans today, as we began the hook week for our new Expedition. The class put compost in their pots, made a hole to plant the seeds and then covered them ready to (hopefully) grow!

Could you help to inspire the next generation of XP and XP East? 

We are currently working to create a directory of experts for our upcoming Year 9 Passage Presentations and would appreciate your help! 

Passage Presentation is an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and demonstrate their readiness to move onto the next phase of their education – GCSE.

Students share their high quality work to a panel of experts and their family through an oral presentation, increasing their accountability and character development demonstrating the skills and knowledge they have gained in Key Stage 3. 

As part of the presentation students provide insight into their future goals and aspirations and we would like to ensure an authentic expert for each of them at their presentation – this is where you come in! 

We are seeking support from any members of our community to become an expert panelist at a Passage Presentation, to listen to the presentation, ask questions and support in directing pathways. In order for this to be a success we request help from members of the public who are able to share their own experiences and advice in order to advance our students to the next level of formal schooling.

If you feel this is something you are interested in, please use this link to sign up to the directory. 

Presentations will take place week commencing 27th January 2025 for 3 weeks. You will receive an invite from the student you have been allocated nearer to the time. 

Should you have any further questions, please contact a member of our Key Stage 3 Team: 

Natalie Johnson- [email protected] (KS3 Lead) 

Emma Watson- [email protected] (Phase Lead XPE 8/9)

Chris Morrison- [email protected] (Phase Lead XP 8/9)

We appreciate your support in advance. 

Sensory Circuit Update – First Week Back

For those children who would normally attend sensory circuit from 8.30am in the school hall, this is not on for the first week back due to SLC’s. Children must enter school at their classroom door please in the morning during the first week back. Sensory circuit will commence again from 8.30am on Monday 13th January. 

Thank you,

Mrs Faulding and Mrs Cook.