Time for Maths

Today in Maths we have been making our very own clocks in preparation for our unit on Time. The children were great at adding the numbers in the correct order and we can’t wait to use them next week for some time telling fun!!

Well done everyone!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Super Skateboards

To kick off our new theme all about human powered transport we have made some mini skateboards!! The children worked really hard on their designs and everyone produced a wonderful product!

Well done Class 6!

You have certainly started 2019 in an awesome way!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Wonderful Work!

Carter showed his excitement for number this week as he showed his understanding of the number 20.Carter counted as he made 20 marks in the shape of a rectangle and then wrote the number 20 in the middle of his shape. Well done Carter!


Awesome home learning…

Sophie and Courtney have been so busy at home this week! Sophie made an incredible tank and Courtney has spent two evenings this week practising writing sentences which include fronted adverbials. A huge well done girls! Mrs Ogle and I are very proud of you!

Mrs Hay 🙂



Kandinsky inspired art in Year 2

I am so proud of the Year 2 children for fully embracing the Kandinsky inspired art today. We listened to a range of music from 70’s rock, 90’s pop, musical classics to classical and instrumental.  The children then drew the movements they felt as the music played. We have begun to introduce watercolours to enhance the shapes we created and we can’t wait until next week to complete them!



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Acrylic Poppies


I am incredibly proud of all of the Year 4 children today. They worked collaboratively to create a canvas per class filled with individual poppies in remembrance of those who died in the war. The children used acrylic inks to create their masterpieces.

Well done to you all! I’m blown away by the high standard of art work you have created.

The paintings will be displayed in the St Nicolas Parish Church for the week running up to Remembrance Sunday before returning to school to be displayed somewhere for all to see!

Mrs Hay 🙂

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Creating Abstract Art


The children had a great morning exploring the works of Roger Hilton and the techniques he used to create his paintings.

We used charcoal to sketch the large shapes we saw around the school grounds then brought them back inside and applied a mix of water and PVA to add tone and texture to our sketches.

The children mastered this technique and I am incredibly proud of them all! I can’t wait for next Tuesday!

Mrs Hay 🙂