Hands-on Maths Learning

Troy, Liam, Lacey and Harley produced some beautiful work in maths today. They used multi-link cubes to develop their understanding of what volume is and how we can calculate it. I was very impressed with the mathematical language they used and by the end of the lesson we had achieved gold standard. Great work guys!

Going for Gold! Green is great!

This week in Nursery the children have been working together to halve an amount! We used our smiley faces to help us remember what we are aiming for. The. children worked together using lots of different activities to show their understanding of halving amounts to ten and twenty! The language of learning in the classroom has been amazing this week. Well done Nursery!

“It helps us remember to do the stuff we should be doing (expected progress) Frankee

“If a friend doesn’t know how to do something we can help them. So if they can’t read a number 6 or 7 we can show them.” Cohen

“It helps us to get it right” Erin

” It helps us in our play to remember it” Flynn

Sherwood Forest 🌳

We had a brilliant day yesterday at Sherwood Forest. The children hunted for mini-beasts, seachered for a hedgehog’s breakfast and made habitats for woodland creatures.

Fabulous Phonics

In class 3 this week we have been working hard to write words using our phonics sounds. We have also been improving our handwriting by practising writing our sentences writing nicely on the lines.

We’re bonkers about bread!

This afternoon, Class 6 mixed, kneaded and constructed some headgehog shaped bread. We all had a wonderful time. They are currently baking in my oven and making my kitchen smell beautiful! I can’t want for us all to try it tomorrow with some butter and jam!

Thanks to Harry for awesome photography and capturing me in my element!

Well done to you all for following the instructions so well! 🙂

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My brilliant Year 1’s…

Emily- Rai, Ellie, Ryan and Ruby all have dedicated their choosing time and time at home to write their own version of ‘The Tadpole’s Promis’ by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross. They have blown me away with how hard they have worked and I’ve loved that they love the book as much as I do! If any of you out there haven’t read it – do! It’s brilliant with one crazy twist!

Beautiful Bug Biscuits

Ryan, Brooklyn and Oliver have been very busy at home this weekend making some awesome mini-beast biscuits! They look amazing and taste even better! 10hps to each of you!

Mrs Hay 🙂