We all know how much I love a dress up day but today was just off the charts!
Check out the gallery below for a little taste of the fun we have had today with the re-launch of our Times Table Rockstars app. The website gives the children the chance to win virtual coins to spend in the TTRS shop to buy cool new outfits and accessories while practising age related number problems in a fun and exciting environment.
I will set up the children’s accounts over the weekend and send out log in details early next week. Watch this space…
We are so excited to finally invite parents to see the fantastic video that our children made during the Autumn term. The expedition was called ‘ What will I do to be a superhero in my community?’ and we believe that this video showcases all of their hard work throughout the term.
We would like to invite all parents and carers to XP East for our film premiere on Tuesday 17th May 2022. It will begin at 5pm and last for approximately 45 minutes to an hour.
We would love if the children could come in their best party clothes, just like the movie stars do at a film premiere. There will be refreshments available.
Please let teachers know how many people from your family will be attending. It would be great to see as many faces as possible at the event to really celebrate the children’s learning!
Please complete the following form by clicking on the link below so that we know how many people will be attending. Alternatively, please speak to your class teacher to let them know who will be coming from your family.
Check out these 2 little superstars. Today is World Earth Day and in class 6 we have been extending our learning from past expeditions to discuss how we can make small changes to protect our planet. Maddison and Thea both had brilliant ideas and have made pledges to invest in our future by making these changes.
Proud of all your ideas today guys. Our world is in safe hands.
I just had to share some of the beautiful work that the children produced yesterday in one of our hook expedition lessons. These gorgeously illustrated posters show the production of sugar and how it transforms in to the sugar that we know it as in the shops.
Well done everyone, I’m so proud of the time you’ve taken to produce these! You stars! ⭐️
To hook us straight in to our new expedition, ‘Why isn’t sugar so sweet?’, we’ve wasted no time in getting our design caps on and our creative juices flowing in the process of designing our final product. Despite our product not being created until later on in the term, it’s so important that we know what it is and what it will look like right at the start of our learning journey. That way, we know what all of this is for, and how each case study links together.
I loved seeing your individual, bespoke designs and I’m so excited to see them come to life in the next half term!
Our first introduction to our new expedition for Summer term was to have a go at matching the adults in school to their faces as babies! We had lots of fun looking at who was who, guessing by identifying features that looked similar. It was such fun seeing how people have changed. The children then got a chance to draw ourselves as a baby and then as they are now, where they could identify that they might have looked similar but the two drawings were not going to be the same. We wondered, what will we look like in the future…?