Y3 & Y4 – Back to Learning with a Bang!

What a busy and exciting couple of days back in school for Year 3 and 4, where we have engaged with lots of valuable input from experts about our expedition topic – war and how it changes lives.

On Monday, we enjoyed a very informative zoom call with two wartime experts who talked us through the lives of children in WW2, as well as guiding us through the work done by women as part of the ‘home-front’.

Then today, we have enjoyed another visit by the Victoria Cross Trust:

Mick, who worked with us back at the start of our expedition, revisited us to share more information about the Victoria Cross medal and some of its recipients from Doncaster, in particular: Thomas Harper VC, Thomas Bryan VC and George Wyatt VC who we are writing biographies about to include in our final product.

And, Keith guided each class through Thorne Cemetery to identify and research the Common Wealth graves located there. We were fascinated by the soldiers that we learnt about and the visit really helped to highlight the importance of the upcoming Remembrance Day and how important it is to remember those who fought – and still do so – for our country. We will remember them!

To end our fantastic day, Keith presented us with some beautiful commemorative slate plaques which show each of the VC Soldiers that we are learning about and the act of bravery which led to them receiving their most prestigious award. We look forward to keeping these plaques in school and to future generations Green Top students benefitting from these going forwards.

Year 1: Phonics

This week the children in Miss Schon and Miss Rodger’s groups are learning ‘ou – Shout it out’. We are also remembering ‘ow – brown cow’. When spelling words we are learning which words are spelt using /ou/ and which ones are spelt using /ow/. We are also continuing to practise our reading fluency. Can we read sentences fluently without having to sound out the words? The children can practise this in their reading books at home by re-reading sentences or pages in their books so they can see they are able to read faster and more effortlessly. Please encourage children to read their reading books more than once so they feel they have achieved this.

Class 10 – Faith Day

On Friday, Class 10 enjoyed our Faith Day focus by learning all about the World’s most popular religions. Children created a fact file that compared the symbols, places of worship and sacred books of the five most followed religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. We can’t wait to learn more about the different religions as the year goes on! Well done everyone 🙂

Class 10 – BBK all about rationing in WW2

Today in our Expedition learning, we have been finding out about rationing through a group quiz and reading task to locate the answers. Did you know that rationing lasted for 9 years after the war ended, so 14 years in total!? At home, why not ask us about the foods that were rationed and the mottos ‘Make Do and Mend’ and ‘Dig for Victory!’.

Class 5: Numbots

The children were really excited to find out about Numbots yesterday and we practised some of the levels together as a class. Children have now been given their log-in details so please check children’s backpacks/PE bags to find their log in details and don’t forget to read our earlier post if you would like to find out more about Numbots and how it can help you child with their learning.

Certificates will be given each time children pass a stage e.g. ‘Rust’ stage. We will celebrate Numbots success in school on Thursday’s each week.

Numbots is absolutely brilliant to develop children’s early number skills and these skills will continue to help children as they progress through school. I really hope the children enjoy playing!