Christmas with the Aliens…

I’m so incredibly proud of these children. They have all worked to hard to learn the songs, actions, dances and lines for our Christmas play. I’m getting very excited for our final 2 performances tomorrow and know the children will all shine like stars!

A big thank you to all parents and carers for your support with the wonderful costumes. They all look fantastic! 🙂


Bradley’s homemade puppet…

Bradley made a super puppet as part of his home learning. Well done Bradley for all of you wonderful home learning you have completed this term! We’ve all loved seeing your creations. 🙂

Oliver’s Sock Puppets


Oliver has been very busy at home this week making some wonderful sock puppets to go on our jungle display. Well done Oliver! We love seeing the amazing home learning you are busy doing.


Please remember everyone to read 3 times per week at home and log it in your reading diary. Every time you read you will be rewarded with 5 house points.


The wonder of critique…

Yesterday, the children in Class 6 created some wonderful jelly fish drawings through the power of critique. The children looked like scientists at a photograph of a jelly fish and carefully had to draw it. We looked at pattern, shape angles and lines. The children were given opportunity to reflect and peer critique each others work to enable them to edit and improve.

Well done to all of you for trying so hard and looking carefully just like scientists and artists do!


The Deep

Year One had an amazing day yesterday at The Deep. The children loved seeing all of the animals and we even got to see some divers too! We are so excited to now learn all we can about under the sea creatures at school.



What a brilliant start to the year! We are hooked!

Class 6 have been so busy today immersing our classroom to be a jungle and under the sea setting. We have been enjoying our new jungle hut and creating some celery print fish. As well this, exploring what we already know about our animal kingdom and what we’d like to find out next…Watch this space!