Class 7 Science Experiment

This week, in writing, we have been working on the Three Little Pigs. As part of science, we thought that the story linked perfectly to materials and building. We decided to test the best materials to build a house to withstand the Big, Bad Wolf. Some materials were far better than others. Other materials were tricky to build a house with. This required great collaboration, which became better and better as our experiment went on! The wooden and plastic blocks were the best material to use.


Class 10 melting experiment!

Yesterday, Class 10 learned about the different states of matter and the properties that make them up: solids, liquids and gases!

Today, we looked at whether a solid could turn into a liquid and this involved chocolate buttons. We predicted that the chocolate would melt, meaning it would change from a solid to a liquid, so we held the chocolate in the palm of our hands.

Then we observed what had happened…

We were correct, so as a treat, we finished off the melted chocolate!

Class 10 forces experiment!

Today, Class 10 have made predictions about how friction will affect how vehicles travel. We tested the car on different surfaces and found that, the smoother the surface, the further the car went. However, the rougher or bumpier the surface, the more friction there was and the car would travel less distance.

Well done Class 10 on working so well together! 🙂

Class 10 magnets! 🧲

What a great lesson from Class 10, today! We experimented with magnets and put on our scientific hats with the hope of finding out what materials were magnetic and which weren’t. We accurately predicted that the items made of metal (paper clips, coins and table legs) would attract the magnet, but items that were not made of metal (rulers, paper and rubbers) would not attract them.

However, some did try to trick me into thinking that plastic was magnetic!

Keep up the great scientific work, Class 10! 🙂

Class 11 flood research! 🌊

As we ended the week, Class 11 have been researching what can cause a flood. We have also looked into how humans can cause flooding, the physical impact to the earth that this can have and then how we can prevent them in the future. I can’t praise Class 11 enough for how well they collaborated with each other. It was another lovely lesson that we have had this week!