The children in Class 7 worked so hard last week when revisiting and revising time. Here they are creating carpet clocks using chalk. I wonder… can you tell your parents what time it is now?

The children in Class 7 worked so hard last week when revisiting and revising time. Here they are creating carpet clocks using chalk. I wonder… can you tell your parents what time it is now?
In between doing our assessments this week, the children have been engaging in some superb activities to help unwind and get creative. Yesterday, the Year Two children looked carefully at different fruits and did some beautiful observational drawings.
Today in Class 6 we have been finding half of different numbers! We were using cubes to help us!
The children were super engaged and tried so hard to work out those halves!
Well done guys-keep up the hard work!
Mrs Wallace 😊
Hello Parents!
We are working hard at school to develop your child’s handwriting skills. Here are a few simple ways you can help support your child with their handwriting…
Children get better at producing letters by practising letter movements: big letters on concrete with chalks; little letters in shaving foam; letters in sand, jelly and on paper.
The same is true of joins between letters. If children learn the correct movements for basic joins, they will use them efficiently when writing on paper.
Try to encourage your child to write something everyday. This could be a shopping list for your weekly shop or writing a story of their own to share with you.
Children need to build confidence in their writing. By rewarding their writing efforts with a simple sticker or tick chart will encourage them to continue writing and build their confidence in their own abilities. We will always give extra house points in school to encourage anything extra your child does at home!
If you would like any support with handwriting or the cursive scheme Green Top follow, please feel free to see me or your child’s class teacher.
Happy writing!
Mrs Hay 🙂
Class 7 made some excellent predictions today for what they thought might happen in the story of ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’, Oliver’s Vegetables’ and ‘Oliver’s Milkshake’. The children all thought carefully about what would make a sensible prediction. Well done Class 7 for your awesome collaboration during literacy today.
Mrs Hay 🙂
Class 6 have been so busy today making things to enhance our Learning Environment!
We had lots of fabulous conversations about our new theme and the children are extremely excited to see what their new learning will bring!
We will keep you posted
Keep up the amazing learning attitudes Class 6
Mrs Wallace 😊
Class 7,
I hope you are enjoying your Easter break!
Using this to help you with spelling rules, how many suffix words can you think of? Can you put them into a sentence?
Please record your words and sentences in your homework book. There will be a prize the first week back for the child who has written the most words or sentences.
In Diversity Week, the children in class 7 worked so hard to draw their self portraits using sketching pencils and pastels. Each one is totally unique and incredibly special, just like each child. 🌟
This week, Class 7 have been learning about time. They have been learning how to read a clock for o’clock, half past, quarter to and past the hour. I wonder if you could practise this at home. Show your work in your homework book for an extra 30 house points.
Who can win 40 house points for their team?
You will be awarded with 20 house points if you can find 5 words which end in the suffix ‘es’.
You will then get a further 20 house points if you can put 3 of them into sentences.
Can you include the conjunction ‘and’ and ‘because’?
Can you add a range of punctuation (, ! ? ‘) that you have been taught?
Please record your words and sentences in your homework book. I can’t wait to read them!
Mrs Hay 🙂