Class 11 had the task of working on posters or creating mind maps about healthy living, based on a text that gave facts about healthy food. Class 11 more than stood up to that challenge and produced some superb work. Well done, guys! 😆

Class 11 had the task of working on posters or creating mind maps about healthy living, based on a text that gave facts about healthy food. Class 11 more than stood up to that challenge and produced some superb work. Well done, guys! 😆
Well, Class 11 have loved World Book Day. We have had some absolutely fantastic costumes of our favourite characters and they’ve blown me away. Check them out here!
During Crew, we then went on a hunt around the class to put the pieces of the book covers together. We spoke about which book interested us the most and why. After this, we discussed our favourite books and characters, with lots of interesting discussions in pairs. This all resulted in a book review of our favourite books.
This afternoon, we looked at the purpose of a blurb and how to write one. The children then were given images or were allowed to create their own books, complete with blurb, front cover and title. Some of us loved it that much that we even started to write the first chapters of these books!
Finally, we announced the winner of our competition for the best costume, as chosen by Mrs Pearson. She chose Andrew, who dressed as Dobby from Harry Potter!
Here are some of the great and beautiful pieces of work that Class 11 have produced this week. I am blown away by the presentation on show from not just these books but others. The children have improved and we have even looked in our books from the start of the year to show off our amazing progress. Keep making it hard to choose pieces to show off!
Here is Layla’s fantastic home learning. Layla has produced a superb habitat and food chain model, which included a variety of animals. Here she is showing off her work to the rest of Class 11!
Today, Class 11 have been creating their own anchor charts to help them understand how seeds are dispersed, the variety of ways this happens and why this happens. We worked well collaboratively so that we could really get smart in this part of our Expedition!
Class 11 have been working really hard on understanding equivalent fractions and to start us off, we practised shading in different fractions to see how they worked!
Today was e-safety day, where we discussed the importance of being safe if we are using the internet. This included gaming and for those with a phone.
Class 11 came up with lots of sensible answers for how to stay safe, such as speak to an adult, block those who are unkind or quit a game. So we thought we would share that amazing advice through the creation of posters.
Yesterday, Class 11 were able to see how water was transported through the celery, after a full weekend drinking the food coloured water. It didn’t go as we expected however we did see some effects of how water travels through plants. We wondered if there was too much water, not enough sunlight or whether the celery needed more time to transport the food colouring?
Class 11 have been looking at how water is transported through plants. We learned that plants have a special method, called xylem, which pushes the water up through the stem. We then learned about transpiration, which means that water evaporates and is recycled into the soil, to be used again. We used some fantastic vocabulary in our predictions. We’re testing how water transports through celery, with food colouring to show this. We think that the celery should turn red, because the water should travel up through the celery. Class 11 are excited to see how this looks on Monday!
Class 11 had some super number day costumes! Check them out: