E-Safety Day! 💻🎮

Today was e-safety day, where we discussed the importance of being safe if we are using the internet. This included gaming and for those with a phone.

Class 11 came up with lots of sensible answers for how to stay safe, such as speak to an adult, block those who are unkind or quit a game. So we thought we would share that amazing advice through the creation of posters.

Celery experiment! 🌱💦

Yesterday, Class 11 were able to see how water was transported through the celery, after a full weekend drinking the food coloured water. It didn’t go as we expected however we did see some effects of how water travels through plants. We wondered if there was too much water, not enough sunlight or whether the celery needed more time to transport the food colouring?

Class 11 plant experiment! 🌱💦

Class 11 have been looking at how water is transported through plants. We learned that plants have a special method, called xylem, which pushes the water up through the stem. We then learned about transpiration, which means that water evaporates and is recycled into the soil, to be used again. We used some fantastic vocabulary in our predictions. We’re testing how water transports through celery, with food colouring to show this. We think that the celery should turn red, because the water should travel up through the celery. Class 11 are excited to see how this looks on Monday!

Exploring 6,7,8.

In F2 we have been looking at the numbers 6,7 and 8. We have been looking at the composition of the numbers and how we can represent in different ways. the children managed to find lots of different ways to show us the numbers. We have been so impressed with how hard they are all working.

Well done Reception Crew.

I wonder what we will discover next week ?

Reception Team

Maths Masters! 🔢

Class 11 worked super hard on their fractions in maths today. It was such a great vibe, as we worked collaboratively on working out the amounts within a fraction. Some of our experts helped the rest of us feel more confident with this skill and helped to make sure that we were all experts by the end. Keep up the great work guys, you were superb!

Class 11 peer critique! 📝

Yesterday, Class 11 critiqued each others scientific reports. We worked collaboratively to ensure that our feedback was specific and accurate to push each others learning on. Here we are in action!

Keep an eye out when we’ll pick our favourite pieces of work and some of the most beautiful!

Conductors and insulators! 🔋💡

In Class 11, we’re becoming experts in making circuits, so we decided to challenge ourselves even more by adding different materials to our circuits. This included rubbers, rulers, paper clips and scissors. We predicted that, if the material is made out of metal, it will conduct the electricity and complete a circuit to make the bulb light up. If it was made of plastic or other non-metallic materials, it was an insulator, because the electrical flow would be prevented. We were correct! See Class 11 below in full science mode: