Reception Maths week

We have enjoyed doing lots of fun maths activities this week. We have loved doing some practical things and we were being human scales and finding things that were heavier and lighter.

We had so much fun and it was lovely to hear the children using the correct mathematical vocabulary in the lesson, but then in their play too.

Well done everyone

Mrs Wallace x

Maths Week Activity 2!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the first activity of the week; we have had some fantastically creative work handed in! Are you ready for challenge two?

Maths is around us and we are constantly using language linked to maths in our everyday life. Can you create a poster that celebrates math vocabulary?

Your task is to create an A to Z poster! I wonder how creative you can make it….can you add images for each word? Which colours will you use?

Here is an example below although I know our children can do much better!

Well done to Adam who shared this amazing work for activity 1!