Year 3/4 dodgeball! 🏆

I would just like to give a massive shout out to our Year 3 and 4 pupils who represented Green Top in our Trust dodgeball tournament! What a super set of performances you put in! There were some really really tight games and I think it is fair to say that fun was had by all.

Most importantly, the children represented the school and themselves really well. Thank you to the adults who took our players to the tournament – it is really appreciated!

Year 3 spellings!

On Friday (1st Dec), year 3 will be doing their spelling touchdown, below are the words that we will be spelling so if you could practise with the children at home. There are lots of inventive ways to practise spelling; rainbow writing, pyramid writing, look-read-cover-write-check… These words are a mixture of year 3/4 common exception words, alongside some words that we have used throughout our expedition!











Thank you for your support!

Marvellous Maths Collaboration! 🔢

What a super afternoon Class 10 had collaborating with each other on the tricky concept of inverse – doing the opposite to show if you are correct! It’s fair to say Class 10 got stuck right in and produced some great team work to ensure that all of us could understand this concept!

Class 10 feature finders! 📝

Class 10 have been preparing for their next independent piece of writing by looking at features of a non-chronological report. They were trying identify the variety of conjunctions, fronted adverbials and facts that they could see! Class 10 collaborated superbly well to find these features and were able to feed them back.

Class 10 Maths Magic! ➕

On our first day back after half term, Class 10 have worked together on column method and more specifically, Class 10 have been working on exchanging the extra 1. We had some of our expert coaches who were confident with this and made great teachers to the rest of the class! It was lovely to see such hard work and confidence from Class 10 in this ready to continue to work hard on in the future!

Class 9 took 10 to read

This afternoon we took 10 minutes during accelerated reader to read for pleasure. Some of us found a book we were really enjoying in accelerated reader which was great, but others chose books from the book shelves that they wanted to read and for the whole 10 minutes the class were so engaged in reading. I even got to finish a book I had been reading too! It is so beautiful to hear the children reading and getting so stuck in to their books.

Thank you, class 9!