Year 5 Faith Day

In Year 5, we built on our existing knowledge of Hinduism to focus on Darma, Karma and Reincarnation. We really enjoyed creating our own Darma symbols and held some really in-depth discussions about karma, the meaning and how we can adapt these beliefs into every day life to be the best versions of ourselves!

Class 9 – Home Learning

It’s been a busy week for Matilda who has been competing and earning medals for her dancing outside of school. She has also been working hard on her art skills and completed a digital drawing of our Victoria Cross recipient, George Wyatt VC! Great job Matilda.

Odd Socks Day!

As part of Anti Bullying Week, on Tuesday 12th November we will be celebrating Odd Socks Day. This is to show it’s okay to be different to and to raise the awareness of bullying! So dig out your favourite pairs as we can’t wait to see your odd socks!

KS1 and KS2 Family Learning: e-Safety – UPDATE

We have been made aware that some parents can’t access the Google form to book a place at this family learning event. Please book your place by emailing Mr Taylor through the LKS2 email address: [email protected] . Our Digital Leaders have prepared some fun activities for you to do with your children.

We are hosting a family learning session on Thursday 2:30 – 3:30 with a focus on e-Safety and technology!

Our Digital Leaders will lead this event with Mr Taylor and they are excited to welcome you to join their planned activities.

You will need to book yourself and your child a place to attend this family learning session as we sadly don’t have enough places for everyone to join. However, if we need to, we will run a second event.

If you manage to book a place before we close it, you automatically have a place. You won’t get any further confirmation!

You will arrive at the hall for 2:30 and your children will meet you there.

Please book your places:

Class 7 faith day!

Today, Class 7 have learned about Hinduism during our second faith day of the year. We watched some traditional stories, learned about the long history of Hinduism and then created our own Rangoli patterns We loved it!