Year 1 and 2 Presentation of learning

Reminder for parents and carers!

Key stage 1 will be holding a presentation of learning in the school hall on Thursday 28th November starting at 2.00pm.

This is a chance for you to see what the children have been learning about this term. We will open the doors for anyone who wishes to come to our presentation from 1.45pm.

We hope to see you there.

KS1 crew x

Key stage 1 community crew assembly

A huge well done to our year 1 and 2 superstars this week. We have celebrated stewards, HOWL point winners, numbots and TT rockstars winners, as well as Crew Stone being our attendance champions again this week!

Well done to all of our children who received reading certificates this week too, it was great to see so many children achieving their 30 reads at home…please keep going with this…it really does make a difference!

I also need to mention our crew champions this week who deserved their awards so much. I love hearing all about the fantastic things you have been up to every week.

Thanks so much to all of the parents too for coming, it was lovely to see you in school and get to know you!

Reception Community Crew

This week in our reception community crew meeting the children have showcased lots of beautiful work! There thinking and writing about our story this week is just wonderful! Some of our children shared their writing of sentences and the children gave each other shout outs for kindness and working hard. Congratulations to Marco and Cooper our HOWL point winners this week and a huge well done to Heidi and Lennox our new Crew Champions! Well done Reception what a great week!

Don’t forget bingo night tickets are now on sale!

On Thursday 28th November, Year 6 will be hosting a ‘Christmas Themed Family Bingo Night’ in the school hall. Last year’s events were a huge success and lots of fun was had by all who attended them.

This is a family event therefore all children must be accompanied by a grown-up so that they can play the game. Entrance tickets cost 50p per person – a ticket must be purchased for each person attending the event.  Admission is by ticket only.

Due to fire regulations ticket availability is strictly limited.  Tickets are now on sale. If you would like to purchase tickets, please send money in an envelope clearly labelled with your child’s name, class and the number of tickets required.  The Year 6 children will collect money from classrooms and allocate tickets accordingly.  

Doors will open at 5:30pm with ‘Eyes Down’ at 6:00pm.

The bingo cards for each game will be on sale on the night and there will be 6 different coloured games during the evening with lots of Christmas / chocolate themed prizes. Bingo cards will be sold in booklets of 6 coloured strips for £5. Each coloured strip consists of 6 bingo cards. You can choose whether you want to buy a booklet each or buy a booklet and split it between your family. If you prefer you can buy 6 individual coloured game cards for £1. Of course, you can play as many cards as you can manage in each game.

Refreshments will be on sale during the evening and all funds raised are to go towards the Year 6 leavers and end of year celebrations.   We will also have ‘Guess the name of the elf’ and ‘Guess the sweets in the jar.

I do hope you will be able to support us at this event. The more people who come the better the atmosphere so please do try to fit this event into your diary. Get on your Christmas jumpers and come and have some fun to start off the festive season!