What a great time we all had performing for our families and carers on Monday and Tuesday! We’re sure you will agree we all learned our lines and our songs wonderfully and we hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!
Here are Class 6 in our fabulous costumes.
Thank you all so much for your continued support.
Hi everyone
Here I am sharing my book with Jersey at her house.
Did you know research shows there is no more important activity for preparing your child to succeed as a reader than reading aloud together?
See you soon
Juicy xx
Any questions, please see your Class Teacher.
We can’t wait to party! 🎉🎄
The Key Stage 1 Team
Evening everyone.
Here I am snuggled up with Victoria while we read my book in bed!
Did you know reading at bedtime can prepare your body for sleep by helping you to relax?
See you soon
Juicy xx
Hi everyone. I had a smashing time at Emilea’s last night. I love spending time with class 6 and finding out what they get up to when they aren’t in school. She took me to musical theatre before we shared my book at bedtime.
Did you know that reading helps young kids learn to focus and pay attention as they listen to a story?
See you soon
Juicy xx
Here I am at Scarlett’s house last night. I never get tired of hearing the children read my favourite stories.
Did you know studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to children’s educational performance?
See you soon
Juicy xx
Hi all
I had a wonderful evening at Cohen’s house last night sharing my story book.
Did you know stories provide examples to your children of how people meet the challenges that face them?
See you soon
Juicy xx