This afternoon, the children enjoyed time off from SATs revision to work together to create some ‘Crew’ bunting for our classroom. It was a welcome break and enjoyed by everybody!

This afternoon, the children enjoyed time off from SATs revision to work together to create some ‘Crew’ bunting for our classroom. It was a welcome break and enjoyed by everybody!
Well done guys – you have blown me away this week with you hard-work and determination. I can already see that you are improving your arithmetic skills and also your understanding of how to tackle questions on the reasoning papers. Keep it up – you are all shining stars!
From Mrs Jackson
It was lovely to see the kids playing games at lunchtime. They had lots of fun and it was a welcome time out for SATs revision!
This morning Year 6 had a visit from Greg, a quantity surveyor. He told them all about the work he does and the skills he needs. Over the years, Greg has set up his own businesses; he got the children to think about what they enjoy and how this could be turned into a business idea. There were some fantastic ideas and we definitely have some budding entrepreneurs!
This week at arts and craft club, we continued with the theme of Easter. They showed real perseverance with something that looks quite simple but was actually really fiddly when it came to getting everything to stay stuck together! Well done guys – a fab club as always!
From Mrs Jackson x
A massive shout out to our HOWL point winners and the Out of the World Winners this week. You have all impressed the adults in your crews by being kind, working hard and getting smarter.
Well done Crew Ambler on still leading Accelerated Reader in our phase; the competition is getting closer now! Huge congratulations to Crew Mumby for winning both attendance this week and the HOWLs point spin the wheel – enjoy your extra playtime guys!
A huge well done to all our Y5/6 HOWL and OOTW winners from last week’s community crew meeting. There were lots of shout outs for hard work and getting smart throughout our recent assessments – keep up the good work everyone, we are so proud of you all!
Who will be celebrating this week?
A massive shout out to Summer-Mai! This weekend her team danced at the British Dance Festival at Winter Gardens in Blackpool against other teams from England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales; they were very successful achieving 2nd place! This means they have now qualified for the World Championships in August.
We are so proud of Summer-Mai’s success as she has trained so hard over the last few weeks and is the youngest in the team!
On Friday, at Arts and Craft Club, we had a fantastic time creating 3D pop-up Easter chick cards. I was very impressed with Oscar who worked so hard to complete his image of Captain Tom Moore from the Little People, Big Dreams book series.
Well done everyone – we will continue with more Easter crafts next Friday. Mrs Jackson x
Happy Red Nose Day! It is great to see so many of you dressed in red to show your support today. Thank you for all your generous donations. The school council have one last challenge for you! Over the weekend, we wonder how many different red things you can find.
You could have a look around your house or even venture outside on a walk. Count how many different red things you can find to share with your crew on Monday. You could even take some pictures or draw what you can see.