Red Nose Day!

A reminder that red noses will continue to be on sale this week up until the day itself. They are priced at £1.50 per red nose and we only have a limited number remaining so make sure that you get yours bought early! School councillors will be bringing them round during morning crew.

Red Nose Day 2022 Red Nose | Sainsbury's

Red Nose Day 🔴

Friday 18th March 2020 is Red Nose Day in the UK. At Green Top we will be raising money for the event by selling red nose’s. Red nose’s will go on sale from tomorrow and school councillors will be bringing them to each class in the mornings, priced at £1.50. On the day, we will also be raising money by wearing something red and bringing in a £1 donation. To go along with this, the school council have also thought of some activities that we will be doing in the afternoon.

Y6 Tropical World

We had a lovely day at Tropical World today!

Our first activity was a workshop learning all about the different animals groups as well as how animals have adapted to suit their environment.

After out workshop, we explored Tropical World and enjoyed looking at all of the different animals! It was extremely warm so we felt like we were in a real rainforest!

Classifying Animals

Y6 have enjoyed their biology learning today where they have looked at classifying broad animal groups into subgroups based on common observable characteristics. They started of with a knowledge dump before moving on to building background knowledge on the different animal groups through creating anchor charts. They then had to use their knowledge to be able to sort the animals!

Y6 Geography

This week we have spent some time researching Bolivia and looking at the different physical features. We have focused on how the physical features have affected human activity and compared this to the UK. Great work Crew Knowles!

Rainforest Hook Day

Year 6 have had a fantastic day today learning about the different layers of the rainforest! First they started with a knowledge dump to jot down everything they already know before moving on to a (very competitive) Kahoot quiz!

Next, the children conducted their own research, as well as used their previous knowledge, to put together a presentation on the different layers.

The children were able to present their research in any way they wanted! I was really impressed with the quality of presentations which included slides, sugar paper posters, videos and live streams!

I was blown away by everyone’s confidence and presentations but a special shout out goes to Sophia who filmed her voice clips in the style of David Attenborough and we worked together to create the video below!

Well done Year 6! You have been amazing today!