Y5 and Y6 Out of this World Winners

A massive shout out for Friday’s winners for Out of this World. In year 5 we had Faith, Danny, Courtney and Lola, who have all shown excellent learning attitudes over the last couple of weeks. In year 6 we had Levi, Reion and all of Crew Knowles for their excellent attitudes as they have prepared themselves, ready to tackle their SATs this week.


Year 6 SATs Week - Meadowside Primary School

As you are aware, next week is year 6 SATs week.

We would like to invite all of our year 6 pupils into school from 8:15 each morning for a light breakfast and chill with their friends before the SATs begin.

Tests will take place Monday – Thursday.

We hope you all have a restful weekend and look forward to having breakfast with you on Monday 🙂

Times Tables Rock Stars day!!! (International dance day) – Friday 29th April

On Friday the 29th April, we will be having a rock star dress up day in years 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 & 1. Times Tables Rock Stars is an excellent site which helps children practice and improve their times tables. All children in these year groups have a login. To promote it’s use across school, we are encouraging children to dress up as rock stars on the above date. Not only will children have the opportunity to use this site on this day, we will be linking it to International Dance day which falls on the same date. Therefore, in the afternoon, children will also be dancing and crews will be making ‘rock-style’ music videos. Pictures and videos of the day will be blogged by each crew.

Red Nose Day 🔴

Well done to the winners of the ‘Design a Red Nose’ competition! There were some fantastic entries but the school council voted and decided that these would be the winning entries. Well done to all who submitted an entry.

We are also pleased to announce that the school managed to sell £300 worth of red noses in the run up to the event before raising a further £301.58 through donations when wearing something red. Thank you to every one for your generous donations!

Y6 Maths Support

Mr Mumby has made a fantastic maths website to support the Y6 children with their arithmetic skills.

On the website you will find lots of models to help the children with some of the different arithmetic skills that can be a bit tricky – there are also lots of practise questions to try afterwards.

All of our monthly arithmetic tests are also on the website so why not have a go at improving your score!


If there is anything that you cannot access, please let the Year 6 teachers know 🙂

Y5/6 Celebration of Learning

A huge well done to Y5/6 who shared their expedition learning this afternoon in the sunshine! They presented their gorgeous art work in their photo frames which were handmade by themselves!

I was also so proud of their passionate speeches about endangered animals and it was lovely to see how proud all of the children were when they saw their product hung up around the school grounds!

Y5/6 Celebration of learning

Well done to all of Y5/6 today who celebrated their learning from our current expedition ‘How can we help our world survive?’ The children spoke with great enthusiasm and could recall prior learning throughout our 3 case studies. In addition to this, their art work was amazing and we would all like to give a shout out to Mrs Green for her awesome art lessons in G Block! Well done Y5/6 everyone is very proud of you 🙂

Y5/6 Celebration of learning

Just a reminder to Y5/6 parents that our celebration of learning event will be going ahead on Monday from 1:30. Our celebration will take place on the KS2 playground. The children’s picture frames will be available for donation and all proceeds will be going to The World Wildlife Fund.

See you all on Monday 🙂


Design and Technology

Year 6 have really been enjoying making their wooden photo frames to showcase their artwork! I am so impressed with the skills and team work that has been shown. Everyone has been so careful and responsible around the tools and were are in the process of creating some beautiful frames!

We still have lots more to make so watch out for more photographs!