Crew Thurkettle’s Learning Legends are… Ellis and Ruby
Well done Ellis and Rubs! You have both been a Motivated Mo today and you have both done a fabulous job at sorting the positive ways that someone can be a bucket filler. I also love that you have both explained what a bucket filler is and what a bucket dipper is! Ruby; great pledge picture, thank you!
Cocoon H’s Learning Legend is… Jack He
Well done Jack! You have been a Can Do Colin today- you blew me away when you explained how people can be bucket fillers. You certainly are one! You also tried extremely hard in maths when coming up with mathematical words for each letter of the alphabet. Finally, what a super friend you have been to others in our cocoon 🙂

Well done for a fantastic week everyone! I am super impressed with every piece of work that has been handed in- you all deserve a rest this weekend! Can’t wait to see you all on hangouts on Monday and see more of your fabulous work! 😀 xx