Y3/4 Science Week – Mr Chalk, Associate Nurse – Our Expert Visitor

Today, we carried on our learning from science week and enjoyed a special visit by Eli’s dad (a.k.a. Mr Chalk). Mr Chalk is an associate nurse and he shared not only a fascinating insight into his role but also lots of examples of how biology (and even maths!) helps him to look after the patients in his care. Of course, the children had lots of questions to ask but they were also fantastic at Mr Chalk’s ‘guess the broken bone’ quiz – well done boys and girls!

A big thank you to Eli from Class 10 for lending us his dad for the afternoon, and an even bigger thank you to Mr Chalk for his engaging and informative presentation!

Y3/4 POL and Link to Final Product Diary pre-order

A huge thank you to all of our parents and carers who could make today’s Y3/4 Presentation of Learning and a big well done to all the boys and girls who presented. We hope you enjoyed listening to some of the fabulous things we’ve been learning about this term and we can’t wait for you to see it all come together in our fabulous and informative child’s diary.

Please use the QR code below to pre-order your own copy of the diary at a cost of £5.00 each.

Class 9 | Home Learning

Arnie recently visited Scunthorpe Museum where they had an exhibition running all about the human body. He learned about preservation, X-rays, skeletons and the different layers our bodies have – all of which tied in nicely to what we have been learning this term.

Following the recent visit to Thorne Park, Arnie, Azzy and Addison went on a hunt and found lots of rocks from different primary schools. They later re-hid them for other children to find.

Y3/4 Presentation of learning

We are delighted to invite parents and families to our Presentation of Learning for our expedition, The Power of Life: What Makes Us Human? This special event will take place in the school hall on Wednesday, 26th March at 2:00 PM.

Our pupils have been working incredibly hard, exploring the fascinating aspects of what makes us who we are. From the science of the human body to the emotions and connections that shape us, they are excited to showcase their learning with you.

Please fill out the form below to confirm your attendance at the event.

Sign up here!

See you on the 26th March at 2:00 PM!

Class 9 | Anne Frank Visit

Over the long weekend, George was lucky enough to go on a visit to Amsterdam. Whilst he was there, he made a visit to the house of Anne Frank, someone we had been learning about way back in the autumn term! What a fabulous experience!

Class 9 | Shadows!

This week, we have been investigating how distance can affect the size of a shadow. We measured the length of the shadow as the light source moved further away before plotting it onto a bar chart.