Please see the letter attached for Maths Week 2025 details:
Well done to Daniel who was one of the lucky winners of the recent raffle!
Here is this week’s spelling practise:
Y3/4 Family Learning
Parents and carers of year 3 and 4 children are warmly invited to this term’s Family Learning event which focuses on our latest Expedition and our current case study: electricity! The session will be fun and interactive, getting hands on with circuits! We look forward to seeing you there! Please note, due to us needing electrical equipment, year 3 and 4 will take place on separate days which are as follows:
Year 3 Family Learning: 30th January 1:45- 3pm
Year 4 Family Learning: 29th January 1:45 – 3pm
Year 3 Reminders and Updates
Just a few reminders for Year 3 now that we’ve settled back after the Christmas break:
- PE is on Mondays – please ensure your child has their PE kit with them.
- XP Outdoors is on Wednesdays – please ensure your child has appropriate outdoor wear with them for this activity.
- Please bring your school / AR reading book and reading diary to school everyday. You can find your login details for AR Reading and TTRS in your diary so this needs to be at school each day and at home each evening / weekend.
- Weekly spelling will be shared via the blog. Please check in and practise these at home.
For this half-term, Year 3 are lucky enough to be receiving an extra PE session from our partner, YourPE. This will take place each Friday morning starting tomorrow so please ensure your child has their PE kit on Fridays too.
Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Dutton and Mr Taylor.
Class 9 | Crew Reading
This afternoon, Ezra and Spencer have been reading a story to the rest of the class.
Crew Taylor | Litter Picking
This morning, the children have been out litter picking down the school driveway. They’ve done a great job at making sure the school is looking as clean as possible.
Class 9 | Electrical Circuits
This week, the children have been getting to grips with electrical circuits. We have been looking at how a circuit needs to be complete in order for electricity to flow around it as well as replacing different components to investigate the effect that it has on the brightness of the lamps.
Class 9 | Home Learning
Last weekend, Arnie went to the local library, picked out a book on the human body and went home and read it. Arnie also designed a poster on good and bad things for teeth which he brought in to show the rest of the class.