Year 4 Mayan research

Year 4 have been learning all about the Mayans this term and they used their English lesson today to research more information about them. They have read reports, watched educational videos and made notes, which class 14 can use in their extended writing on Friday.

They really showed maturity and used a lot of different skills, most importantly peer collaboration, in order to discover a lot of relative information. Well done, super work as always class 14.

Mrs Shaw x

Children in Need!

A fantastic effort from both parents and children to this years Children In Need. Thank you for getting involved!!

Lest We Forget

This morning we celebrated remembrance day by drawing a poppy onto some wooden boards and writing a message on the back to say thank you for people’s sacrifice during the war. The children have shown a mature attitude towards the celebration and enjoyed their art work too 🙂

They are hanging down the year 3/4 corridor and you can see them through the window if you wanted to see your childrens art work


Mrs Shaw

Jasper’s superb home learning

Thank you Jasper for sending me these wonderful pictures of the baking you have done. Jasper has learnt about the science of baking- just like the class will in case study 3. The cupcakes look fantastic , Jasper and I’m told that they were delicious too. Keep up the great work 👍

Brownie packaging in Crew Mumby

All I can say is WOW! Our crew have had our ‘designer’ hats on during D&T this week to create packaging for the brownies we will bake in case study 3. Children did a great job of working to a design brief to create these appealing packaging. Like in the real world, the children made multiple drafts to ensure that the design was the best it could be.


Design and technology

As part of our phase expedition this week we designed a Mayan draft that we would like to transfer to our final products. There were some inspirational artists and I was blown away 😍

For those of you that don’t know, our product is going to be a box filled with professionally homemade brownies, made by each child in years 3 and 4, with the help of a fabulous lady who is going to help us. Check her facebook page out – sugar rush – and you will see what to expect!

These boxes of brownies will then get delivered to NHS, care and key workers in our community.

The children cannot wait!!!


Active arithmetics

Class 14 enjoying a game called dash, which is helping to improve and speed up their arithmetic skills. They were fantastic and I can already see improvements. Well done

Mrs Shaw x x x


Thanks to all who have entered the pumpkin competition. The deadline for entries is 12pm today. Unfortunately any entries received after this time will not be part of the judging. One winner per phase will be announced and all entries will receive a small treat on their return to school next Monday. Details of the competition are below:

🎃🍁🍂Happy half term 🎃🍁🍂

At Green Top we are sad that family learning can’t take place as it would usually in our classrooms and therefore we have pledged to have a family learning activity each half term for the whole school community to get involved with.

The first family learning challenge will be a ‘Carve or Decorate your own pumpkin’ competition. This competition will be judged on 31st October. There can be one entry per child and all entries must be entered by a photograph sent to [email protected] by the 12pm Tuesday 27th October. As photographs are entered they will be blogged on the website for all to see. All students who enter will receive a ‘treat’ on their return to school on 2nd November.

In addition one winner will be selected from each phase. Winners will be announced on October 31st.


Crew Mumby absolutely love Supermovers as part of our Magic Maths session. This week was the 6 times with Fred The red! It’s really helping us recall our times tables facts and also gets us up and active before our main learning.