We’d like to make a shout to…

We are crew!

Lovely to hear lots of shout out’s in our crew check out circle today. I heard a lot being said about working hard and being kind and the reasons behind this.

It’s nice to hear you all being celebrated by each other.

Well done guys! Mrs Faulding x

Academic Crew-SLC

It was gorgeous to sit back and listen to you all share your English learning with each other; discussing the features of each piece and what made it so special. You all did great practising using the script to support your delivery of this reflection too!

I know that your grown ups are going to be blown away by how you’re conducting yourselves during this process! Well done!

Mrs Faulding x

Red Nose Day!

A reminder that red noses will continue to be on sale this week up until the day itself. They are priced at £1.50 per red nose and we only have a limited number remaining so make sure that you get yours bought early! School councillors will be bringing them round during morning crew.

Red Nose Day 2022 Red Nose | Sainsbury's

Red Nose Day 🔴

Friday 18th March 2020 is Red Nose Day in the UK. At Green Top we will be raising money for the event by selling red nose’s. Red nose’s will go on sale from tomorrow and school councillors will be bringing them to each class in the mornings, priced at £1.50. On the day, we will also be raising money by wearing something red and bringing in a £1 donation. To go along with this, the school council have also thought of some activities that we will be doing in the afternoon.

Year 3/4 Basketball Tournament!

On Friday, I had the pleasure of taking a group of children from Year 3 and 4 to Trinity to take part in an afternoon of Basketball. I was SO impressed with how well everyone worked together and with the children from the other school. The children listened to the coach really respectfully and gained some fantastic skills! Well done everyone!

World Book Day 2022

A huge shout out to everyone in Crew Faulding for making such a fabulous effort for World Book Day on Thursday- you all looked amazing!!! It was a great day, we had lots of fun!

Mrs Faulding x

A mash up of this weeks collaborative learning in Crew Faulding!

What a busy but lovely week we’ve had this week!

In English, we’ve just started our new writing cycle so have been hooked in by doing lots of collaborative learning. We’ve conducted our own debate arguing for/against banning plastic straws. I was blown away by how children expressed themselves and their arguments as well as the great research they carried out using the iPads to gather appropriate evidence.

Later in the week, children worked in groups to become experts in certain areas that linked to our guiding question ‘Why should we protect our beautiful planet’ and then presented their findings to the rest of the class so that in turn, everyone else became mini experts too. Children then worked hard to summarise the finding of each group and record their answers. This was a challenging task as it not only required children to stand up, present and recall their own finding but then listen to everyone else’s and write their findings too. You are all stars!

In Expedition, we are half way through Case Study 3-music and we love it! So far we’ve learnt about rhythmic ostinato, graphic and standard notation as well as taking part in a round within a song. The children split in to groups and performed ‘We don’t talk about Bruno’ from Encanto and they all sang beautifully. I’m excited to see you in the recording studio!

I’m proud of you all as always!

Mrs Faulding x

Expedition home learning

Thank you so much Leila for bringing in your fabulous home learning of polar bears in their habitats. It’s wonderful to see you fully immersing yourself in to our expedition and I’m so proud of how much effort you’ve put in to this box model. Lots of lovely attention to detail.

Well done- 100 HoWL points for working hard!

Mrs Faulding x

Year 3/4 phase meeting 1.3.22

Well done to this weeks HoWL point winners!

A big well done to Crew Oldridge on being awarded first place for your attendance this week. We can see that you’re all working really hard ensuring that you are coming to school each day. Keep it up!

Another well done but this time to Crew Tortora on winning the overall HoWL points for this week so they got to spin the prize wheel. It’s fab to see that you are all getting smart, working hard and being kind. All of these contribute to lots of HoWL points being awarded! Enjoy your extra play time, you super stars!

In Accelerated Reader, we celebrated Crew Faulding for their above average reading percentage and also Crew Myers for their 0.3 percent increase since before half term. Year 4 are smashing it! Keep it up!

Year 3 and 4 Crew Leaders x