Maths Week Challenge 2

Choose one (or more!) of the challenges below to complete at home this week! Don’t forget to get the whole family involved! If your child is in EYFS, please choose some of the activities from the ‘Year 1 and 2’ document 🙂

Remember to send any pictures to [email protected] or to your teachers. We can’t wait to see all of the maths around your home!

Maths Week Challenge 1

Work together to see how many maths words you can think of for each letter of the alphabet! I’ll let you into a secret … J is a very tricky letter so I’ll be super impressed if anyone thinks of a maths word starting with J!

Please send your responses to [email protected] and / or bring them in to show your teachers!

We can’t wait to see how many words you come up with and who has the most creative words!

Math Alphabet Posters | Focus on Math

Maths Week

The week beginning 30th January will be ‘Maths Week’ and we will have lots of fun things happening in school to raise the profile of maths.

Below are some dates that you may want to know in advance:

Thursday 2nd February 2pm – 4pm : Maths drop in session

Join us in the hall to play some fun maths games with your child/ren between the times of 2pm and 4pm. Feel free to drop in at anytime between these times. This will be led by the Learning Council so please come along to support.

Maths end of term activities | Tes

Friday 3rd February: NSPCC Number dress up day!

On Friday 3rd, we are encouraging the children to dress up in maths and number related outfits to raise money for the NSPCC charity. Suggested donation is £1.

Number Day 2023 | NSPCC

Y6 SATs Maths drop-in (Mr Mumby’s classroom)

Dear Parents,

We are writing to remind you about the Y6 maths drop-in session that will be taking place next week (Thursday 19th). This is an opportunity for you to come in and look at your child’s test papers, as well as access useful resources that can help support their learning in mathematics.

The drop-in session will take place from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and you are welcome to drop in at any point during that time. Our Y6 crew will be available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance on how to best support your child’s learning.

We highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity as it will provide valuable insights into your child’s progress and areas where they may need additional support.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there! (Refreshments will be available too!)

Kind regards

Mr Mumby

Extended Study!

As a teacher, it’s always exciting to see students take ownership of their learning and put in extra effort outside of the classroom. Lola and Jack are two such students who have recently impressed me with their dedication to completing their extended study.

Lola and Jack’s dedication to completing extended study serves as a great example to other students. Completing extended study is a crucial part of the learning process. It helps to solidify the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. Lola and Jack have set a great example for their peers by showing that with dedication and hard work, completing extended study can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Well done!