Throughout March, as a school we are planning to walk from John o Groats to Lands end and back! That’s 1,748 miles!

If my calculations are correct as a school we only need to do 110,505 steps a day! Easy!

So charge up your fit bits and smart watches and get your walking shoes ready!

At the end of the week complete the google form that I have attached to this blog and we will record your steps. There will be weekly prizes in school for most steps in a week and all school staff will be getting involved too.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy the challenge





Seth’s Brilliant Volcanic News Report!

Seth has been one of the busiest people in Thorne today. He had already finished his snowman before attending all his live lessons. My highlight is his news report of the Volcanic eruption which occurred 2 years ago in New Zealand. Well done Seth you have done yourself proud.

Here is the link to his superb news report


KS2 Reading Competition

Do you fancy being entered in to a prize draw?

Every time you read a book and quiz on Accelerated Reader you will earn a raffle ticket!

All raffle tickets will be entered into the prize draw to be in with a chance of winning money vouchers at half term!

Teachers will keep a check on who has quizzed each week and will sort out the appropriate amount of raffle tickets for your child!

If you don’t have books at home, want to swap your books or just need general support please email your phase leader.

[email protected]

[email protected]


Good luck!



Beautiful work in year 4!

Take a look at these examples of high quality expedition work. The children have skilfully used coloured inks before adding a mono print volcano over the top. Utterly outstanding work! Keep an eye out over the next few days for more examples on our expedition site (which can be found here: )