Well done to all our winners from this week! Whether you are a ’Star Reader’, ’HoWLs point winner’, our ‘Out of This World’ for this week or even just had a shout out, everyone of you have been a deserved winner. Well done!

Well done to all our winners from this week! Whether you are a ’Star Reader’, ’HoWLs point winner’, our ‘Out of This World’ for this week or even just had a shout out, everyone of you have been a deserved winner. Well done!
Well done guys for being the winner of your crews for Being Kind, Working Hard and Getting Smart. This was our last crew assembly before Christmas and it’s been lovely to hear such lovely things from your crew members.
A shout out to Crew Faulding for being our whole crew HoWL point winners for a second week in a row! You should all be extremely proud of how hard you are working and for achieving lots of HoWL points! You stars!
The Year 3 and 4 Team x
I’m excited to say that we have been lucky enough to be given free access to an online reading programme for the duration of the summer holidays! The programme (MyOn) will give your children access to over 5,000 books!
To access the programme:
Go to https://www.myon.co.uk/login/index.html and enter your login information:
Click on the Sign In button, select a book, and start reading!
Check out our video from Times Tables Rockstars Day!
We are looking forward to celebrating National Numeracy Day on Wednesday 18th May!
Maths is all around us and in the run up to National Numeracy Day, I would love for you to take some photos of you that link to maths! Maybe it will be a picture of you using money to pay for something in the shop, maybe it will be of how many steps you have walked in a day, or maybe it will be of you practising your maths skills!
How creative can you be finding maths around your home and in the community? Please send all of your photographs to [email protected] so that I can make a video to celebrate maths!
Also, check out the official website (link below) because there are lots of fun activities that you can do with your children!
On Friday the 29th April, we will be having a rock star dress up day in years 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 & 1. Times Tables Rock Stars is an excellent site which helps children practice and improve their times tables. All children in these year groups have a login. To promote it’s use across school, we are encouraging children to dress up as rock stars on the above date. Not only will children have the opportunity to use this site on this day, we will be linking it to International Dance day which falls on the same date. Therefore, in the afternoon, children will also be dancing and crews will be making ‘rock-style’ music videos. Pictures and videos of the day will be blogged by each crew.
Well done to the winners of the ‘Design a Red Nose’ competition! There were some fantastic entries but the school council voted and decided that these would be the winning entries. Well done to all who submitted an entry.
We are also pleased to announce that the school managed to sell £300 worth of red noses in the run up to the event before raising a further £301.58 through donations when wearing something red. Thank you to every one for your generous donations!
A reminder that red noses will continue to be on sale this week up until the day itself. They are priced at £1.50 per red nose and we only have a limited number remaining so make sure that you get yours bought early! School councillors will be bringing them round during morning crew.
Friday 18th March 2020 is Red Nose Day in the UK. At Green Top we will be raising money for the event by selling red nose’s. Red nose’s will go on sale from tomorrow and school councillors will be bringing them to each class in the mornings, priced at £1.50. On the day, we will also be raising money by wearing something red and bringing in a £1 donation. To go along with this, the school council have also thought of some activities that we will be doing in the afternoon.
Well done to Abbie and Damion for winning our two Christmas competitions! The winning elf name was ‘Cinnamon’ and the total number of candy canes was 52. We managed to raise a fantastic total to go towards our Year 6 leavers fund so thank you for all of your donations.