Class 5: Shoutout!

Well done to Isabella who has already tested herself on all of this half terms weekly spellings! Amazing work Isabella and only 2 words to practise again. 100 Howl Points!

The children have been so committed to their learning this half term in school I am blown away by the motivation they are showing in school as well as at home.

Year 1 Spelling

This half term we have been focussing on spelling red words. We will now consolidate our learning by practising spelling all of the red words we have been learning this half term. We have added two new red words ‘little’ and ‘your’ which we have introduced in class during our lessons. I wonder which red words you can remember to spell and which ones you need more practise with?

KS1 Disco Fun!

The children (and staff!) had a fantastic time dancing their socks off at our Autumn disco this evening. There were some amazing costumes and everyone had so much fun. A huge thanks go to our wonderful PTA, Friends of Green Top for organising this, and many other fabulous events that raise so much money for our school. You ladies rock!

Apologies for the somewhat blurry photographs in the slideshow below…it was difficult trying to get the children to stay still for the pictures!

key stage 1 community crew

A huge well done to all of our community crew winners this week. You have had a fantastic week, modelling beautiful manners and producing really great work. A huge well done too because our first reading certificate was handed out this week for reading 30 books so far, I can’t wait to see more get handed out! Well done key stage 1! Keep up the great work!

Year 1 Phonics

This week in phonics we have been learning the grapheme /ay/ may I play.

We now know three grams that make this sound – /ai/, /ay/ and /a/

The children are beginning to identify which grapheme we need to spell common words.

We have also been continuing to work on our reading fluency and recognition of red words.

Can you read the /ai/ words? Can you spell the words without looking?

Class 5 Family Learning

Class 5 had a fantastic time building and testing catapults for our family learning activity today. Thank you to all the adults who joined us. I hope you had a fun afternoon in Class 5!