Key stage 1 American themed day
We had such fun yesterday, listening to Mr Pickles play rock music, as well as having a go at line dancing in the hall with Mrs Rayner. We had a party at lunch time in the hall and still managed to squeeze in maths, expedition, handwriting, spelling and reading…have a fabulous weekend everyone!
Key stage 1 community crew
Well done to all of our winners this week! It was fabulous listening to how great you’ve been this week. A huge well done to Crew Rodger’s again for having fantastic attendance and being our phase winners this week. I love our assemblies and hope all of the adults enjoy them too. Can’t wait for next week too!
KS1 Baseball!
It’s fair to say that baseball was a hit with Year 1 and 2 during our American day. I was so impressed with the skill showed and how accurate their shots were. We practiced our hitting and there were some definite home runs! Well done Year 1 and 2!
Year 1 Phonics
This week we have been revisiting the /ure/ sound. The children have been really proud of their reading and sentence writing and their new found confidence is really beginning to show. Keep practising year 1 we are so proud of the progress we are seeing!
Reading Week – Challenge 1
How many of these children’s books can you work out from the emojis? Add your answers in the comments!
Class 5 – Faith Day
On Friday Class 5 celebrated Faith Day. We thought closely about the question ‘What is religion?’. We found out that there are 6 major world religions – Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhi, Judaism and Hinduism. We also discovered that although the teachings of each religion are different, all of them share three basic principles. Faith – that what they believe is true, Hope – that by following the teachings of their religion they can make the world a better place and Love – for their God and each other.
The children really enjoyed collaborating to make a stunning piece of art work which will be displayed in our classroom.
Class 5’s attitude to learning has been awesome! Keep to up everyone. I am very proud of you all.
Y1 Spelling
Our next spellings check will be on Friday 4th October. Please find the spellings below. Why not try practising your spelling using the rainbow spellings techniques? Please see the photographs for some inspiration!
key stage 1 community crew
well done to Crew Rodgers for getting 100% attendance last week. Also a huge well done to our crew champions this week, I love hearing how amazing you have all been each week. Well done everyone!
Class 5: Maths
The children in class 5 are continuing to work hard in their maths lessons. This week we have been learning about one more/less and have been practising our skills using a variety of equipment.