Class 5 Science Week

On Friday afternoon we did our final Science Week activity. We learned all about floating and sinking. Our task was to design a boat that could float and carry cargo. All of our boats were able to float but the winning boats were Luther’s and Isabella’s which managed to carry more than 20 pieces of cargo! We have thoroughly enjoyed engaging in our Science Week activities and getting hands-on opportunities to be Scientists!

Crew Schön 100% attendance!

On Monday Crew Schon found out that they were the only crew in school to achieve 100% attendance for the previous week. We were thrilled and received the full £10 to add to our Crew Kitty. We now have £20 to spend on Mrs Fitz’s trolley next week and Paddington is back in our classroom! Well done Crew Schon for doing so well with your attendance this term. We had one more chance to win some more crew kitty money – we can’t wait to find out on Monday if we will receive some more money in our crew kitty!

Miss Schön’s Phonics Group

After working super hard this term and accelerating our learning we managed to fit in a sneaky treat on Friday! We spotted Mr Pickles with the chicks from EYFS and managed to convince him to let us have a little peek! Well done my superstar phonics learners – I am so proud of how hard you have all been learning and we have seen some AMAZING progress! Keep up the hard work.

Class 5: Science Week

Class 5 learned all about the effects of gravity. We also loved finding out what happened to astronauts when there is no gravity. We watched a video all about how an astronaut washes her hair in space. It was so fun seeing all the water droplet floating away and the astronaut trying to catch them! We made straw rockets to test the effects of gravity. It was so much fun!

Class 5 visits the park!

We had such a lovely morning yesterday visiting Thorne Memorial Park and getting our first turn on the new playground! The children were so excited to explore all the new play equipment and have a ride on the train! What a great start to a really fun day!

Key stage 1 community crew celebrations

A huge well done to all of our winners this week. We had lots of boys celebrating HoWl points this week, some super stewards, fantastic mathematicians on numbots and tt rockstars, as well as our fantastic crew champions this week. It was great to hear about your craftsmanship and quality and the respect you have been showing.

Also, a huge well done to Crew Schon with 100% again…you are smashing it this term…well done!

Class 5: Science Week

Class 5 have been enjoying learning about Forces. We have learned about pushes and pulls and how they effect objects. We did some fun experiments to help us to discover how forces work. We even had fun seeing what happens when an object has the same amount of force coming from two different directions. I wonder if the children can explain their learning at home?

KS1 Phonics

Miss Schon’s Group: This week we have been doing our assessments. All children are doing great at remembering their phonics and reading words. Some children are struggling a little with their red words or reading fluency. Keep practising your reading at home as often as possible as we have been doing so well with our memory skills now we need to keep up the practise!

This week our sound is /ue/ Blue Glue

Miss Rodger’s Group: This week the children are learning the final split digraph sound /u-e/ huge cube. Next week the children will take part in their next assessment to see how they are progressing with their learning.

Miss Schon’s group have also been pre-learning all the split digraph sounds. Here is a video that explains how we read these sounds in a word.

Miss Cooper’s group: This week Miss Cooper’s group are learning the trig /ear/ – Near and Dear. This week Miss Cooper’s group will be taking part in their next assessment to check on their learning progress.