Key stage 1 community crew

What a fabulous community crew assembly we have had! Our stewards, HOWL point winners, numbots heroes, tt rockstar champs and reading book winners have all been celebrated!

A huge special mention for our Crew Champions this week too, it was lovely to hear all of the reasons why you won this week. You look so smart in your lanyard and badge!

Also, well done to Crew Schon for being our attendance winners this week! Well done and keep it up!

Crew Schon Attendance!

Crew Schon were absolutely thrilled to finally win the weekly attendance last week. We now have some money in our new kitty! We also received Paddington in assembly this afternoon and he will be living in our Crew room until our next Community Crew Assembly. One more day this week – I wonder if we can be winners again?

KS1 Reading Books Tomorrow!

Don’t forget tomorrow is reading books day! Please make sure all reading books are returned tomorrow so that children’s phonics books/homework can be updated in their phonics groups. We have seen huge improvement in children’s confidence, enjoyment and fluency since starting our new home reading strategy. Thank you so much for all your support with this. It is so lovely to hear comments from parents about their child’s achievements at home!

Class 5: Character Trait Badges

All children who have received the Crew Champion award this school year will be awarded a character trait badge. Some of the children have brought their badges home today. If your child did not receive their badge today they will be given to them on Monday. The children are encouraged to wear their badges with pride on their school uniform. Please keep your child’s badge safe so that they have the opportunity to collect them all. I am helping with this by writing the children’s initials with permanent marker on the back of their badge. Below are our school Character Traits so that you can read a little more about what your child has demonstrated in school to receive their badge.

Year 1

Thank you Jeff for our little music workshop this morning. We had a great time learning to sing outlet belonging song with you! The children loved it.

Maths Week

Crew Schön enjoyed a visit from Crew Raynor this morning. The older children had planned a counting game to play with the little ones. The children enjoyed passing a beanbag around the circle and counting forwards and backwards to 20. They also practised counting in 2s and 10s. We loved it! Thank you Crew Raynor!

e-Safety Orienteering Drop-in Session!

On Tuesday 11th February, to mark Safer Internet Day, we will be hosting an e-Safety ‘drop in session’ for children and parents. The session will run from 14:00 – 15:00 and will involve some orienteering fun around the school grounds, with a link to e-Safety and staying safe online.

Please book your place to attend the session with your children via the link below.

Parents and carers will be able to meet and collect children from the school hall. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Maths Week Activity 2!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the first activity of the week; we have had some fantastically creative work handed in! Are you ready for challenge two?

Maths is around us and we are constantly using language linked to maths in our everyday life. Can you create a poster that celebrates math vocabulary?

Your task is to create an A to Z poster! I wonder how creative you can make it….can you add images for each word? Which colours will you use?

Here is an example below although I know our children can do much better!

Well done to Adam who shared this amazing work for activity 1!