Crew Knowles have done an awesome job editing and improving their writing today ready for their final touchdowns. They have worked so hard to include all of the features of a formal piece of writing and I can’t wait to read the final version!
Category : Miss Knowles’ Class
Children In Need!
Bodmas fun!
Today in Year 6 we have been looking at using BODMAS / BIDMAS to ensure that we are working out our calculations in the correct order!
It’s quite a tricky concept but Crew Knowles really grappled with it – well done!
Lexi’s One Kind Word
I love Lexi’s one kind word that she chose for anti-bullying week because she linked it to our learning on one point perspective! It’s great how she has made her word 3D using a horizon line and a vanishing point! Well done Lexi!

Anti-Bullying Week
This week has been anti-bullying week and we have acknowledged it by wearing odd socks, holding anti-bullying crew sessions and thinking about ‘one kind word’.
Crew Knowles loved coming up with their kind words and thinking about how they might brighten someone else’s day.
Next week we will be celebrating Children in Need on Thursday 18th November!
Thursday will be a dress up day where we are inviting children to wear something spotty and bright coloured! Any donations on the dress up day for Children in Need will be gratefully received.
Our school council are also holding a couple of competitions which will be running next week.
- Drawing of Pudsey competition
- Design a Children in Need T-shirt
The Learning Council members really enjoyed visiting the Year 5/6 classrooms yesterday to watch maths in actions! They captured lots of lovely learning happening which you can check out below!
Also, a big thank you to all those that have taken part in our ‘guess the sweets’ activity! We will be visiting EYFS on Friday to take their guesses and then will reveal the winner next week! The Learning Council can’t wait!
Today we introduced our art case study by looking at perspective and how to create 3D shapes from different perspectives.
We started the lesson by grappling with the skill trying to write our names using 3D letters. We then started to perfect the skill using the accurate technique,
Great job everyone!
I am really enjoying our ALL Block sessions this week! Each group have been so focused and really engaged with the different activities to practise their fluency, retrieval and inference. I have particularly enjoyed the teacher guided group where we had a completed assessment paper which the children had to mark and decide whether each answer was right or wrong. There was lots of good discussions and debate around each of the answers which was great to witness!
In history today, the class had to use their inference and detective skills to be able to order a timeline of trains in chronological order. They also had to match the dates and some information about each of the trains without out any teaching beforehand!
I was extremely impressed without how everyone used their prior knowledge and make links in their learning to be able to order the evolution of trains!