Behind the magic- Hook day!

As part of our immersion into our new theme, ‘Do you understand the magic of motion?’, children took part in a day of Harry Potter wizardry. One lesson they took part in was ‘behind the magic’ where we looked at the tricks of the cinema and how they create special effects. The children acted out parts of The Philosopher’s Stone in front of our green screen in preparation for a range of Hogwarts themed backdrops being added. All children in the new year 5 and 6 crews impressed me with their confidence in front of the camera- I really enjoyed the day!

Mr Mumby

Welcome to the 2019-20 class blogs

Please use these blog pages to see what your child has been up to in class, find out about how you can help them at home and share their celebrations. 

Welcome Back Year 5/6

Welcome back to Year 5/6!

We are every excited to start the new term! Remember the first day back is Harry Potter dress up day! You could come as a witch or wizard or even just in Harry Potter themed clothes!

Please find attached the letter with more details.

Hogwarts hook day letter

We hope you are all excited for your first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

Year 5/6