KS1 Hook Week Celebration

On Friday KS1 came together to share their learning so far with each other. Each class did a short presentation to give an insight into the country they will be learning about this term. We even managed to surprise Mrs Overson who came along to share the children’s learning so far.

It was so lovely to see how excited each class was about their country and to see all the lovely crafts they have been making to immerse their classrooms. The KS1 corridor looks AMAZING!

KS1’s expedition this term is called ‘The Blue Planet – How will what I do today impact the world tomorrow?’ We are so excited about this expedition and we have lots of fun surprises planned along the way!

Well Done KS1, what an awesome ‘Hook Week’ you have had. We are so excited about this exciting expedition and we have lots of fun surprises planned along the way!

Class 7 – Welcome Back!

Wow – what a fantastic first week back, Class 7! We are learning lots about our new expedition topic and we’ve been busy immersing our classroom into our focus continent … Antarctica.

Our new expedition is going to explore how what we do has an impact on the world around us, and we will be learning about different habitats around the world as well as animal life-cycles and food chains. As part of our hook week, the children have been busy making some cute crafty penguins and seals as well as learning lots of facts about life in Antarctica.

This week, we have also been meeting with many of you for SLCs to discuss your child’s learning and experiences at school. Thank you so much for your support with these, it’s so lovely to share your child’s progress with you. If you haven’t been able to book an appointment yet then please let us know and we will arrange a day and time to suit.

All of the children have returned to school with fantastic learning attitudes and effort so well done everybody – let’s keep this up and make 2024 amazing!

Mrs Dutton & Miss Hilton x

Class 7 – Just one more sleep till we break up for Christmas!

Class 7 have been enjoying a lovely week of Christmas themed activities, including a movie day complete with snacks like popcorn and hot chocolate today. Tomorrow is our final day before the Christmas break and we are looking forward to singing carols around the tree before ending the term.

We hope everyone likes the lovely crafts the children have been busy making to share at home and we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to you all for our lovely gifts – they are all very much appreciated.

Well done boys and girls, we think you have done amazingly well this term and we can’t wait to see you all in the new year and to hear what Santa has brought you all. We hope you all have the best time with your families!

With love from, Mrs Dutton and Miss Hilton xx

Class 7 – Superstar Carer Award!

A huge well done goes to our very kind and caring Ava, who was so enthralled by our recent work with local care homes that she has encouraged her family to get involved too. At the weekend, Ava went back to visit the care home with her family to spread some Christmas cheer and she was gifted this lovely card made and signed by the residents there. Well done, Ava – what a superstar carer you are. We are all very proud of your kindness and compassion – just what Christmas is all about!

Christmas party day!!!

A huge, great big thank you to The Friends of Green Top for organising the snow dome this morning. Class 7 have had an amazing experience, smiles all round!!! We’ve also had a lovely visit from Father Christmas and a delicious Christmas dinner!