Extended Study – National Space Week

How many astronauts do you know?

As part of National Space Week, why don’t you choose an astronaut to research? You could make a poster or a fact file about your chosen astronaut.

You could even listen to the story of Tim Peake, Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemison. Did you know these Big Dreams, Little People book are quizzable on Accelerated Reader?

Extended Study – National Poetry Day

On Thursday, it is National Poetry Day! As it links with this weeks Reading Week it would be great to see lots of you get involved.

Below is a link to the official website where it tells you lots of information about the day and ways that you can get involved.

The theme this year is COUNTING. I wonder how many of you could write a short poem linking to the theme?

On the same link, it shows you lots of examples of poems. You might even want to practice one of them at home. Would you have the courage to perform the poem to your crew?

Send photographs, videos or bring in your poems – We can’t wait to see them!


Year 1 Phonics

This week in Miss Schon and Miss Rodger’s phonics groups we have been remembering the /air/ grapheme. The children have been really impressing us with the improvement in their speed and accuracy when reading words and sentences. This week we have also seen lots more progress in children’s sentence writing. The children are working very hard and putting lots of effort into their learning! Keep it up Y1 we are so proud of you!

Can you read the words on your homework sheet? For an extra challenge can you sound out and write the words without looking?

Phonics at Home

Here are some interactive phonics games and fun songs for you to use at home to consolidate the work done by the children in class. Most of the children in Y1 are just beginning phase 4 phonics but practising any of the previous phases would be beneficial to aid fluency. If you have any questions or if any of the links don’t work, please let us know.

Miss Rodgers and Miss Schon x








How To Pronounce The 26 Letter Sounds

RED WORDS SET 1 | Read Write Inc. Words | Tricky Words | Star Words | Phonics Song | LOU BEE ABC

RED WORDS SET 2 | RWI | Tricky Words | Phonics Song | Sight Words | Star Words | LOU BEE ABC

RED WORDS SET 3 | tricky words | phonics song for EYFS and KS1 | Read Write Words | Star Words

YEAR 1 Common Exception Words UK | CE words | Sight Words | LOU BEE ABC

Year 2 Common Exception Words | Sight Words UK | LOU BEE ABC