Class 12 – collaborative art

We have been working on our guiding question ‘how can we work together to achieve an end goal?’ The children all had a section to sketch, colour in and decorate how they pleased so when put back together in a certain order it creates our new crew sign.

We set out expectations of each other to ensure that the final piece was beautiful and showed excellent craftsmanship and ensured we held anyone accountable if their section was unfinished or rushed and not their best work… luckily they all smashed it and have done absolutely amazing. Stay posted for the final piece when I find somewhere big enough to put it!

Class 8’s crew fun

We worked in teams this morning to pass the hoop around our team circles without breaking hands. They all worked very well together! Well done superstars!

See you tomorrow for our exciting colour run!!!

Class 8 visit

Class 8 made some beautiful cards and drinks coasters this morning. They had positive message and bright, colourful pictures of them, which looked fantastic!

In the afternoon, we walked around to Parklands care home in Thorne and hand delivered them to the residents there.

The children also bravely sang their crew songs, which ended with a large round of applause.

You are making me very proud already class 8, well done!

Mrs Shaw x

Class 7 – Day 3!

Today started off with Crew games where we had to pass through the hula hoop – don’t worry, we aren’t in a tangle!

Then, we visited Casson Court to share cards and sing songs. We loved our time there and hope to return again. Thank you so much for the kind donations as well! Mrs Stone and I were both so proud of each and every single one of you!

Finally, we completed some litter picking around school to help make sure we make our school look its best! Thank you to Mrs Hardman and Mrs Green for helping us out!

Class 9 | Litter Picking!

This afternoon, Class 9 have been outside litter picking. We spent the morning talking about why it is important to look after our community and some of the things we can do to make it a better place to live.

Y1 and Y2 homework menus and parents overview.

Apologies to those parents who could not access these menus. We are looking into the issue. In the meantime below is a link to the Parent Overview and a screenshot of each year group’s Homework Menu.

Expedition Parent Overview

Children should be able to access these menus at any time from the KS1 Extended Study section in the ‘Children’ drop down menu on the front page of the blog if they are logged on with their own Green Top email address.

Please let me know if you have any more problems

Miss Rodgers