Key stage 1 community crew assembly

A huge well done to all of our fantastic award winners this week! It was amazing to see our crew champions so excited to receive their ‘character traits’ badges too!

Also, attendance in key stage 1 has been amazing the last couple of weeks so a huge shout out to Crew Shaw and Crew Cooper for 100% attendance last week!

I love sharing all of these fabulous achievements every week, it makes us feel very proud! X x

Class 5: Beautiful Work

Class 5 have been working on their art in the style of Dennis Wojtkiewicz. They have been really enjoying learning the skills of line, shape, colour, texture and pattern. Look at these beautiful pastel pictures they have produced! What a lovely example of quality and craftsmanship! I am so proud of you all and I can’t wait to display them in our classroom!

We have created pictures of limes, kiwis, red onions, watermelons, oranges and strawberries!

KS1: Reading Books Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Friday – reading celebration day! Please remember to return all reading books to school. The children will be reading their books during our morning activity and then they will take their books to their phonics group for their phonics teacher to change their shared reading books. Children who return their class library books will also get the opportunity to browse through the class library and choose a new book to enjoy!

Here is Class 5 completing their reading during their morning activity last week:

We can’t wait to celebrate the wonderful reading you have been doing in school tomorrow. A big thank you to all parents for being on board with our new home reading strategy! We hope you are enjoying sharing the books with your children at home and that they are impressing you with their reading skills.

KS2 Choir – Young Voices 2025

On Tuesday, I had the privilege of taking our KS2 choir to the Young Voices concert at the Utilita Arena. What an absolutely fantastic day and night we all had – even if we were all super tired afterwards!

A huge shoutout to all of the children for their awesome representation of Green Top and participating throughout the experience.

A big thank you to all of the family and friends that were able to come and support the event, we hope you enjoyed it as much as us!

Finally, an added shout out to the Year 6’s that make up our choir for your commitment each year to taking part in Young Voices – I really hope you enjoyed your last one and here’s a video to remember it all!

Mrs Spetch x

Crew Council – Thorne Council Meeting

This afternoon, our KS2 Crew Councillors met with some members of Thorne council to discuss the upcoming plans for Thorne Memorial Park. They were really excited to get an insight into what the new play area is going to look like and enjoyed sharing ideas of what they would like to see in our local park.

We are really excited to continue working with the Council on the run up to the grand opening and getting our KS1 Crew Councillors involved too!

Class 12: reading fluency

In class 12 we have really been looking at improving our reading fluency and learning the different elements that fall under this category: reading rate, reading accuracy, reading with expression and reading to punctuation. Ask your child about these at home and how they can model these to you when reading!

We had a really lovely reading lesson today start our new class text – The Wild Robot – I’m looking forward to reading more if this wonderful book with the children and listening to their ideas and discussions!

Class 12: Physics, conductivity

Today, my lovely lot carried out an investigation into the conductivity of materials. Understanding that if a material allowed the current to continue through it then it was a conductor, if not and the current was stopped then it was an insulator. I really enjoy seeing the excitement around the room and some children going one step further and taking their circuits around the room to test other objects too!