A huge shoutout to Crew Spetch and Crew Walton for your fantastic efforts yesterday – your costumes looked fab!

A huge shoutout to Crew Spetch and Crew Walton for your fantastic efforts yesterday – your costumes looked fab!
Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit xptrust.org.
Reminder that Year 1 have extra PE this half term on Fridays with our PE coach. Please can all children bring a suitable outdoor PE kit – tracksuit and trainers/something suitable for the weather. If the weather is not suitable PE will take place indoors instead.
Thank You
Please remember to bring all reading books back to school tomorrow. We use these as part of our lessons throughout the day so it is important that all children have their books with them.
What a bunch of characters we have had today! 🙂
This afternoon we made the most of the lovely weather by taking our maths lesson outside!
Some wonderful costumes on show today in Class 9. Well done to everyone!
Reading for pleasure!
Matilda, Penny, Millie and Jelly have been sharing their reading books with the rest of the class!
Well done Crew Gerrard for winning the attendance – let’s see if we can do it again next week and more money to the Crew Kitty! 🙂
Here are the last 2 weeks community crew celebrations! We love these assemblies where we get to share so many great things about the children in year 1 and 2. Well done to all of you!
Crew Pearson had some reading for pleasure time. I had brought a range of children books from home or they had access to our class library too. It was lovely to see them sat so engaged and silent (without being asked) to read a book they chose.