Sharing our Stories: 06/09/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Welcome to our first selection of beautiful work from the brand new 2024/2025 academic year!

Highlights from our first week back!

At XP Trust we always use our first week back to establish and reaffirm our culture of Crew. This year has been another resounding success as young people across our schools have considered deeply the purpose of Crew through a range of opportunities and experiences and how Crew develops character and service so that they can help themselves, others and the wider community to be compassionate and successful. 

At Carcroft we saw students engaging fully in a community meeting reflecting on their habits of work and learning and expressing what working hard, getting smart and being kind looks like every day at school. Students at Norton Infants Y5 visited local Care Homes delivering glasses cases they had made as well as treats! At Plover students were working alongside the RSPCA to capture and tell the stories of abandoned pets and, alongside drawing beautiful pictures of the animals, helping to find them homes as well as creating stunning murals in a street art style to promote the importance and legacy of Crew.

Students at Green Top took part in a fundraising Colour Run which was quite frankly spectacular whilst also creating kindness key rings that they gifted to members of the community! At XPG, Year 8 showed their qualities as leaders of their own learning by planning, organising and leading Year 7 activities including creating resources and fieldwork opportunities for their peers. Finally at XPD, students carried out acts of random kindness at the Lake side and welcomed past students who came back to school to talk about how Crew and their time at XP shaped the beautiful people they are today.

It was striking to hear a member of staff at Carcroft say, ‘I’ve been teaching for over twenty years and this is the best start back I’ve ever experienced.’ – I think that says it all!

In addition, our new Year 7’s from XP Doncaster and XP Gateshead spent their first days of secondary school building Crew together in the Lake District with Outward Bound. This is something we have been proud to do with our students for ten years now and it was inspiring to see students cultivating resilience, compassion and teamwork – especially through some very adverse weather! We are looking forward to seeing Crews grow together over the coming years…

Andy Sprakes at BridgeFest

Our Chief Academic Officer, Andy Sprakes was the keynote speaker at Spaghetti Bridge’s ‘BridgeFest’ earlier this week. He shared beautiful work and stories from our students at XP as part of their inspiring itinerary celebrating the last year. We are proud to be a part of their story and a key influence on the work that they do.

XP Alumnus Alfie is Oxford bound!

Alfie Lockey was part of the X22 cohort at XP and left two years ago to study for his A Levels at New College. His results of 3 A*s and and A, helped secure him a place at one of the oldest and renowned universities in the world – Christ Church College, Oxford. Alfie will be studying biology; a lifelong love and something that during his time at XP was actively encouraged and supported.

He created an allotment at school, had an opportunity to take part in an online conference organised by the Edge Foundation, which addressed climate change. That day Alfie spoke alongside the co-creator of the Eden Project in Cornwall, Sir Tim Smit KBE. An office at XP also became the perfect place for Alfie to experiment with growing a variety of plants for several years; bringing a touch of hot house greenery to XP!

CAO of the XP Trust, Andy Sprakes commented:

“Alfie is one of our many alumni who are already making a positive difference to the world. We’re always thrilled to hear about how our students are progressing and where they are now – they will always be part of our Crew.”

XP Doncaster’s High Flying Birds

In Summer 2024, XP and XP East’s Year 8 students embarked on Learning Expedition called ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go?’, where they aimed to answer the guiding question: ‘Is migration worth the risk?’.

In Art, they looked at the work of artists who used imagery of birds to represent migration. Leonardo da Vinci studied anatomy and used that to design flying machines. The students took his ideas and constructed their own three dimensional bird designs. They then made large scale sculptures of the birds that you can see on display, here. Before culminating in the display, the sculptures were paraded at this summer’s inaugural XP Festival of Arts & Culture.

We’re got vacancies across XP Trust!

Find out more here to apply now and #JoinOurCrew

Top of the Blogs

Settling in @ Norton Infants

First Week Back @ Green Top

Wonderful Wilderspin @ Plover

Music Composition in MI @ Carcroft School

We’re all in this together! @ XP School

Crew Da Vinci E28 @ XP East

Acts of Kindness @ Norton Juniors

Weekly Update for Parents @ XP Gateshead

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Service and community learning

From next week, and throughout the school year, Crews (roughly one per week) will be visiting the Pentecostal Charity Shop. If you have any donations at home which you wish to part with or have a declutter planned, please feel free to send items into school at any point and our crews will happily deliver. The items will need to be safe and easy enough for the children carry. No large, bulky or heavy items please.

Pass any bits you may wish to donate to Crew leaders and we will store, sort and deliver them throughout the school year!

Many thanks, from all crews at Green Top!

Class 12: Allies vs Axis power

The children had their first attempt at roll in the wall today. I must say, after a couple of wobbles and a little confusion, they picked it up extremely quickly and did a great job! I was impressed to see how much information each group gathered from the original posters and them remembered at the very end of the lesson. Well done.

Class 9 | New Class Text!

Today we have looked at the front cover of our new class text, ‘The Lion and the Unicorn.’ We noticed some interesting things about the character and made predictions about what we thought might happen in the story.

We later looked at some of the countries involved in the Second World War and tried to locate them on a map!

Crew Knowles – Family Learning!

We had a lovely family learning session this afternoon – the first one of Year 6! The children and their adults researched planets to create beautiful posters of our solar system! As always, I was so impressed with the creativity from everyone and they look lovely on display! Thank you!