Beautiful Boudica

Using a written description of Boudica from the past, Amelia has produced a beautiful final sketch in our theme learning this week.  She has included lots of detail and used a range of colours which fits the description perfectly.  Well done!

Olivia’s Home Learning

Olivia produced some really beautiful homework based on our theme ‘What Lights up our World?’ She created a solar system poster but it was so big we had to get two children to hold it for her!

Fantastic work Olivia!


Marvellous Maths in Class 6!

The children had a wonderful time working collaboratively in maths today. They used large pieces of sugar paper, felt tip pens and 100 squares to help them write their numbers. They were excellent at checking if their number formation was correct against the 100 square.


I wonder…Can you have a go at writing your numbers at home and bring them in to show me?


Mrs Hay 🙂


Wonderful Emmeline…

Emmeline was amazing at working collaboratively with playdough in choosing time this afternoon and enjoyed forming her letters independently with chalk. Super sharing and learning Emmeline! Well done! 🙂

Look at the amazing google slides document Henry and Kane in Year 5 produced today to share their research.

Calla’s wonderful work

Calla had produced an amazing touch down task, using her rubric. She has written one of her best pieces of writing so far this year and all her hard work and determination will get her the step she deserves, it is a piece she should be proud of. Well done Calla, keep up the good work!