Today we were able to start Case Study 3, which focuses on art. We have been looking closely at sketching and how we can create different textures to add shading to our drawings. We looked at several different techniques including stippling, hatching and cross-hatching. Ask your children if they can demonstrate and explain what each different technique is!
Class 15 – Children in Need 💛💛
A big shout out and thank you to everyone for making a great effort for CIN on Friday and for donating to the bun sale!
Crew Barnett HOWL points reward
This afternoon Crew Barnett had their film time reward for achieve the most HOWL points in year 5 and 6 last week. Keep up the great work everyone!
Accelerated Reader Drop in!
Reminder that there is an Accelerated Reader drop in for KS2 parents on Thursday 17th November 3pm-4pm in the school hall. Please pop along if you want to learn more about AR and how it works.
Science Club – Using magnets
Last week at science club we used magnets. We started off with a walk around school to see what magnetic objects we could find. Then, we tested the strength of the magnets by seeing how many paperclips we could hold. Finally, we used iron filings to show the magnetic pull.
It was also great to share Leila’s volcano experiment brought from home.
Class 14 – Investigating Forces
Last week, we used every we had learnt in case study 2 to plan and carry out our own investigations. We then wrote up our experiments for our final touch down.
Class 10: amazing writing and response to marking and feedback.
I have been blown away by the efforts of all in class 10 for their writing yesterday and improvements today. They have worked so hard and are clearly very engaged in their learning. I’m so proud, well done ✅.
Class 6 Phonics
The children have been working super hard in phonics. Yesterday we learned the /ir/ grapheme. The children put lots of effort into their independent sentence writing. Well done Class 6.
KS2: Accelerated Reader drop in
As mentioned, there will be an AR drop in for KS2 parents on Thursday 17th November 3pm – 4pm which will take place in the hall. Please feel free to pop along and find out more about how Accelerated Reader works in school!
Reception Out Of this World
A huge well done to Hazel, Isla and Violet for being Out of this world this week. Well done girls, you are a real asset to reception.
We are so proud of you all.
The Reception Team