Nursery Family Learning

WOW! What a morning! It has been truly fantastic. We loved seeing you all get stuck in and crafty to make some amazing transport models. Thank you to all parents and carers who came to join us. What a special way to kick start our Summer term expedition ’Would you travel by wheels, wings or other things?’

Summer Term Clubs

Please find the link to sign up for spring clubs:

Clubs are capped and once a club is full, it will be taken from the form.  This means, if you apply for a club, your child automatically has a place.  You will not receive separate confirmation. 
Should you wish to access our sunset club, you can book by contacting Mrs Dewsnap: [email protected] . Please include the following details: name, teacher, any allergies/dietary requirements, days required and a Contact number. Sunset club runs from 4pm to 5:30pm daily at £5 per day which should be paid in advance via ParentPay.

*** if you have more than one child this form MUST be completed separately for each child***

Crew Knowles: Building Crew!

We had a team building session this morning in crew where the children had to work together to make sure everyone was stood on the carpet tiles without touching the floor! They communicated really well and came up with lots of creative ways to support each other!

Class 11 Earth Hook! 🌎🌍🌏

Today, Class 11 were right back into action and have began their hook week for the new Expedition. The new Expedition is called Earth Shattering Events: What happens when nature strikes?

The children were focusing on the different layers that made up the Earth, so it only felt right that we created a fun, collage that showcased the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core, so that we could see the different layers of work.

Keep an eye on the blog, as we continue to be hooked into our new Expedition this week!

Aspirations Week in Reception.

We’ve had a lovely day today for aspirations week in reception. The children have been lucky enough to have two special visitors to see them.

This morning we had Tina Woods come to see us with Lola the dog. Who came to share her experiences of looking after dogs and how to care for them.

This afternoon we had a visit from Fireman James. Who talked all about being a fireman and talked about what they have to do and wear. The children even go to try on his hat.

Reception- Phonics Family Learning session

On Thursday (16th march) at 2pm there will be a phonics themed family learning session held in the hall. Please arrive at the school office for 2pm to sign in and collect your child.

All reception parents are invited to attend for an afternoon of phonics fun!

You will be able to join in with lots of early reading and writing activities and explore the FFT phonics scheme even further. The reception teaching team will be on hand to answer any questions and boost your confidence to support with phonics at home.

There will also be an additional session on Thursday the 23rd March at 2pm . We look forward to seeing you 🙂

FFT Success For All Phonics - FFT
Elm Hall Primary School - Phonics
FFT Success For All Phonics - FFT

Our chicks are here!

The Reception children were all very excited when they arrived to school today to find out that some of their chicks had hatched early in the morning. They were very lucky to also watch some of the chicks hatch out of their eggs throughout the day. The best part of the day though was definitely all getting a little cuddle.

Below is a video of one of our chicks hatching.

Maths Superstars

Last weeks Maths certificate winners.

Well done Spencer, Freddie, Phoenix, Willow, Ruby, Remy and Kitty for passing new level on Numbots.

Spencer was our TTRockstars winner for the second week in a row!

This week in Numbots we awarded the highest number of levels passed with three stars. Well done Millie, (3rd), Phoenix (2nd) and Freddie (1st)

Beautiful Work

We have had lots of children challenging themselves with their learning this half term. here our some of the children who have received special stickers for their work.