Year 2 – Martin Lamb Castle Talk!

Today, Year 2 had a special expert visitor Martin Lamb. Martin spoke to Year 2 about castles and how they were made. He even brought in bricks to let us ‘destroy’ William the Conqueror’s castle. Amongst the ‘destruction’, we learnt many new facts. These included the fact that round castles were harder to siege. We even learned about new weapons such as catapults. All in all, it is fair to say Year 2 loved their expert visitor.

Class 7 – Bayeux Tapestry!

Today, Class 7 have been learning about William the Conqueror. He invaded Britain in 1066 and fought in the Battle of Hastings. We learned about the battle through the Bayeux Tapestry. So, what better way to understand it more than to create our own version?