
It was amazing to see children coaching and leading their peers learning in maths today. The coaches took their role very seriously and they made it look really easy, it was great to hear the explanation and support being given in such a mature way!

Well done to all in Crew Wallace 🙂

Collaborative Maths!

It was great to see some amazing collaboration in our maths learning this week. The children were working so hard and getting smart. It was great to see them supporting each other in their learning and really getting to grips with our addition and subtraction unit. Keep up the hard work guys, I could not be prouder of all of you!

Mrs Wallace 🙂

Jack’s Hungry Caterpillar

  1. Today, Jack created this beautiful caterpillar after being inspired by our class story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ written by Eric Carle. Jack carefully cut his ‘c’ for the caterpillar’s body and a circle for the head before adding a face and details with a pen and pipe cleaner antenna.
    Well done Jack for your gorgeous caterpillar! I love it!

I wonder who else can make one tomorrow?


Today, the children and I went on a journey in the classroom-like the girl in our story ‘journey’ we had plenty of obstacles to overcome!! We used our magic crayon to draw some picture ideas of what transport we would use!

Fabulous conversations, drama, ideas and pictures! It was a pleasure to see all of the creativity!

Well done guys!

Another step on our journey tomorrow!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Super Maths

Class 8 have been superstars in our maths learning today! We did some counting of different vehicles and recorded our answers on the carpet-we were also thinking about greater than and fewer than different numbers!! Amazing guys- Well done and keep up the great work!

Mrs Wallace 😊

My evening with Elliott.

Good evening everyone.

Here I am with my little chum Elliott enjoying my book of the month at bedtime last night. Don’t forget to record any of your own books that you read at home in your Reading Diary.

Did you know that reading at bedtime can help you to relax so you get a better night’s sleep?

See you soon

Juicy xx

Exciting new reading challenge!

Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are beginning an exciting new reading challenge competition!

Starting tomorrow, Friday the 10th of January, everytime your child brings their reading pack into school to be changed they will receive a raffle ticket. Once every 4 weeks a lucky winner from each class will win a SUPER READER HAMPER full of prizes. The more your child reads at home, the more chances they will have of winning the monthly prize!

So come on! Get out those reading packs and get reading!!!