Monday Crew Reading

We had a fantastic story at the end of the day, we loved joining in with our sound effects and learning about the farm!
Don’t forget to record your masked reader video tonight… I wonder what we will read tomorrow?
Mrs Wallace

Collins Big Cat ebook libraries


Dear Parents and carers,


As a school we have subscribed to Collins Big Cat ebooks.  This gives teachers access to over 1000 reading books online, including 256 fully decodable phonics ebook readers aligned to Letters and Sounds, our phonics programme.


Your child’s teacher will assign them access to books at an appropriate reading level. Linked to each book there are resources and ideas to encourage comprehension skills for home-learning activities.  Some of the books can be quizzed on Accelerated Reader and a list will be available in KS2 classrooms for children to check against.


Please click here on the parent’s guide    to find out how to access your child’s account at home.


Please note the Collins eBooks app is available for iOS from the App Store and for android devices on the Google Play Store. The app is free to download, and you can log in using the same details. 

When using the app, you can download books to your device, after which you can then access them without needing to be connected to the internet. 

If you have any problems please ask class teachers or email [email protected] and they will forward the email to me.


Mrs Jackson

English Lead

Thank you MOTO in the community

At Green Top we love reading and we especially love it when we receive new books!

Today we were lucky enough to have lots of boxes of books delivered that will support us in our learning and with our reading curriculum.

Big thanks to MOTO services at Doncaster for adopting us as one of your schools in the community we really appreciate it!

Pyjamarmara Day Friday 14th May

On Friday 14th May we will be taking part in the Book Trust’s Pyjamarama Day and children are invited to come to school in their pyjamas, dressing gowns or onesies!  As we missed out on dressing up for World Book Day, you may prefer to come to school dressed up as your favourite book character instead!

All we ask is that you bring a donation of £1 to go towards the Book Trust Charity.

We can’t wait to see what everyone decides to wear!

This event will be the launch of Green Top Reading Week, which will take place the week beginning 17th May, when there will be lots of fun reading challenges set for you to take part in.  More information will follow next week!

Counting, counting, all day long!

We have been doing lots of different counting activities today in our maths learning. We were counting lots of different things in the classroom.We were adding spots to ladybirds, we made some pens and counted some animals into them and we did some super matching activities. All of the children were getting smart and I am so proud of you all!

Well done Scarecrows

Mrs Wallace

EYFS Summer Term Homework Menu

Hello Everyone!

We hope you have had a wonderful Easter break, managed to enjoy some sunshine and eat lots of chocolate!

Here is the Summer Term Homework Menu for our new expedition. ‘What keeps the farmer busy from dawn until dusk?’ We are all so excited to begin this expedition and we hope you will enjoy the challenges we have set for you to do at home.

If you would like to know more about our upcoming expedition learning, narrative, overview and schedule please view through our expedition site. This site will be added to throughout the term as the children learn, play and develop their skills.


Have a very happy Sunday!

From the EYFS Team.

Wonderful Wednesday! Story Time with Mrs Hay

Wonderful Wednesdays are the highlight of my week as I get to see our beyond amazing Nursery children for Story Time with Mrs Hay. This week we read ‘My Monster and Me’ by Nadiya Hussain and Ella Bailey. A beautiful story about sharing our worries and knowing that when we talk our worries get smaller and smaller.

See you next week Nursery for another story time! ⭐️