Outdoor maths

Class 6 had a go at using our awesome outdoor  space to do some number practise and some counting. The children really enjoyed themselves and I was really impressed with their attitude and engagement!!

Well done Class 6

Mrs Wallace


Hands-on Maths Learning

Troy, Liam, Lacey and Harley produced some beautiful work in maths today. They used multi-link cubes to develop their understanding of what volume is and how we can calculate it. I was very impressed with the mathematical language they used and by the end of the lesson we had achieved gold standard. Great work guys!

Let’s get measuring!

We have been so busy in Class 6 exploring different ways to measure length and height. The children have used standard and non-standard units to explore this. The children loved drawing around Mrs Langton, Mrs Hay and Mrs Stone to investigate how tall they were.

I wonder…can you measure your own height and write it in your homework book for an extra 10hps?


Time for maths

Year 1 have been trying really hard with time in maths this week. We have been looking at o’ clock and half past and the children really are becoming experts! Keep up the amazing work class 5. It is always time for you to shine!

Mrs Wallace

Time in Class 6

Year 1 have been learning about time this week in maths. Today they worked in collaborative groups to match the written time to the analogue clock. To help your child at home, you could practise with them:

  • saying or singing the months of the year and days of the week
  • telling the time on an analogue clock for o’clock and half past the hour

If you can practise time at home, you will be awarded an extra 20 house points.


Money Magic!

The children have been very busy in Class 6 revisiting and revising their money knowledge to help them add amounts.



2D shapes in Year 1

This week Year One are busy learning all about 2D shapes. Can you go on a shape hunt at home to find some 2D shapes and talk about their properties? Take photos or draw them in your homework book. You will be awarded with 15 house points for doing some extra homework! Happy hunting!


Mrs Hay & Mrs Wallace 🙂

Marvellous Maths in Class 6!

The children had a wonderful time working collaboratively in maths today. They used large pieces of sugar paper, felt tip pens and 100 squares to help them write their numbers. They were excellent at checking if their number formation was correct against the 100 square.


I wonder…Can you have a go at writing your numbers at home and bring them in to show me?


Mrs Hay 🙂


Chocolatey Maths and science!

In science, we have been learning how materials change state and in maths, we have been looking at statistics in maths and how to read and draw tally charts, bar charts and line graphs –  so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to use chocolate to investigate our theme in a little more detail!

To complete the tally charts, we quizzed year 4 on their preferred chocolate flavours and then converted the results into a bar chart – making sure we had a correct scale and appropriate labels.

To generate data for our line graph, we investigated how quickly chocolate melted and compared the temperature of the water as it cooled the chocolate! Class 10 showed great restraint with all the melted chocolate around the class room!

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