This week we have immersed ourselves in all things dragons. First we started with our dragon sketches.
Then we completed our dragon eye drawings and painted them with watercolours!
Today, we designed our clay dragon eyes!
This week we have immersed ourselves in all things dragons. First we started with our dragon sketches.
Then we completed our dragon eye drawings and painted them with watercolours!
Today, we designed our clay dragon eyes!
Year 2 PE will be on a Wednesday.
Please remember to send your children with the correct PE gear, which is a green/white polo shirt, shorts/leggings and a jumper or jacket if required because of the colder weather, as well as trainers. Please remember not to send children with football/other sports kits! 🙂
We always recommend bringing a bag with your PE kit and having everything labelled with your child’s name.
This Friday (6.9.24), it is our dress up day to hook the children into their Expedition. They are welcome to come as anything medieval! They could be kings, queens, dragons or jesters – whatever links to castles, but please don’t worry about buying a costume!
On Tuesday 15th October it is the Family learning for Year 1. This will begin at 1.30 in the afternoon.
For Year 2, your family learning is on Thursday 17th October. This will again be at 1.30 in the afternoon.
We look forward to seeing you all and the amazing costumes!
Wow! What fun we had during the colour run. It was clear to see the enjoyment and I suspect it was our favourite part of this week!
Before and after!
Here are some more photos!
And finally, I just wanted to wish Class 7 a fantastic weekend and say a massive well done for this week. Thank you for helping me settle into Year 2 – I can’t wait to see what next week brings us! 🙂
Today started off with Crew games where we had to pass through the hula hoop – don’t worry, we aren’t in a tangle!
Then, we visited Casson Court to share cards and sing songs. We loved our time there and hope to return again. Thank you so much for the kind donations as well! Mrs Stone and I were both so proud of each and every single one of you!
Finally, we completed some litter picking around school to help make sure we make our school look its best! Thank you to Mrs Hardman and Mrs Green for helping us out!
Well, Class 7 have had two busy days back as they start their adventure into Year 2. We have been designing key rings and then making them!
Today, we have had fun in Mr Kershaw’s camp. We started reading in the tents, then roasted marshmallows by the fire and finished off by making some dream catchers!
We then started making some cards for our visit out tomorrow!
What a great time it has been getting to work with our new Year 2s. We have worked on our understanding of emotions, how our body can feel in that situation and watched parts of Inside Out to understand emotions further.
We then created our own emotion monsters! It has been so much fun getting to know you all and I can’t wait to be your teacher next year! 🙂
Another fantastic week this week to celebrate!! KS1 have had a smashing time on Numbots recently and have taught Miss Rodgers some new types of metal as they’ve flown through the steps. Lots of lovely shoutouts for our stewardship this week too, particularly for working hard to take care of our jumpers and cardigans as the weather has got a bit warmer (fingers crossed it stays that way).
Big well done to our HOWL point winners this week, lots of hard work and quality craftsmanship from our children, we love it when you know you can be proud of your work! Crew Stone won the most attendance this week, it’s great to see how proud the children were to win Paddington the attendance bear. Well done guys!!!
Finally, big well done to our Crew Champions this week in KS1 who have been following all of our HOWLs, improving in their learning, showing respect and quality craftsmanship!
Some huge shoutouts this week, starting with our Crew Champions who have shone this week, big well done for your hard work and we hope to see lots more of this. Who will be stood up there next week?!
There were SO many reading certificates this week too. Particular shoutout to Arnie for getting the highest reading certificate yet and also Ezra for getting his sparkly pencil for beautiful handwriting! Loads of other wonderful people to celebrate, for their hard work on TTRockstars and Numbers, for their stewardship this week and for our HOWL point winners too! Keep it up KS1, we love to celebrate your fantastic achievements.
Today we began our learning for our new expedition. Please find below links to the overview of what we will be learning in the summer term and extended study menu’s for Y1 and Y2. There is no obligation to complete all of the homework, but past experience has shown that studying themes at home linked to our expedition has helped the children to consolidate the learning they have done in class. Plus they LOVE sharing their new knowledge with you. Don’t forget to send the work into school or email photographs so we can celebrate their achievements.
Miss Rodgers, Miss Schon, Mrs Shaw, Miss Hilton and Miss Good x