Book and a Biscuit

We would love to invite F2 grown ups to come and join us for a book and a biscuit in Reception on Wednesday 22nd May from 2-3pm.

Please come to the Ash Tree Road entrance to school to begin at 2pm. We can’t wait to share our stories while enjoying a delicious treat.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Reception Team

Nursery – Suncream

As the weather is finally getting warmer, we kindly ask you to apply suncream to your child before they come to Nursery.

We ask for or you to provide your child with a NAMED bottle of suncream, hat and water bottle to ensure sun safety for our children. Please ensure bottles are only filled with water.

You will be asked to sign next to your child’s name when you bring in the suncream to Nursery which gives nursery staff permission to apply your child’s suncream to your child should they need help to do this. Please give the suncream to a member of staff and not place it in your child’s bag (we have had a few explosions in the past!).

Your child’s suncream can then remain in Nursery and returned to you at the end of the summer term.

If you have any questions, please ask.

Many thanks,

Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton

Y3 XP Outdoors reminder!!

Tomorrow is Year 3s XP Outdoors day.

Please can we remind all parents/carers to ensure that the children bring their XP outdoors kit with them tomorrow. This includes a change of clothes and footwear suitable for spending time outdoors (weather appropriate) as well as sunscreen / hat and a water bottle during particularly warmer weather. 

Thank you! Year 3 + Mr K!

Reusing to save our seas in Nursery

Today we have been talking about how we can save our seas by reusing recyclables. The children worked really hard this morning to create musical instruments using only previously used materials. We have drums, guitars, shakers, tambourines and scrapers galore! Beautiful work Nursery Crew!

KS1 Community Crew Meeting

Another fantastic week this week to celebrate!! KS1 have had a smashing time on Numbots recently and have taught Miss Rodgers some new types of metal as they’ve flown through the steps. Lots of lovely shoutouts for our stewardship this week too, particularly for working hard to take care of our jumpers and cardigans as the weather has got a bit warmer (fingers crossed it stays that way).
Big well done to our HOWL point winners this week, lots of hard work and quality craftsmanship from our children, we love it when you know you can be proud of your work! Crew Stone won the most attendance this week, it’s great to see how proud the children were to win Paddington the attendance bear. Well done guys!!!

Finally, big well done to our Crew Champions this week in KS1 who have been following all of our HOWLs, improving in their learning, showing respect and quality craftsmanship!

Year 5 Egyptian Day!

Year 5 had an awesome day today, starting with an extremely fun and informative workshop. The children were engaged and completely immersed in their learning. After lunch followed some Egyptian dancing and games, along with making healthy fruit kebabs. The Year 5 team were delighted to also receive an email from the ladies who delivered the workshop. This was full of praise for our children and school, bringing a lovely end to a perfect day! Well done Crew Year 5!!!

KS1 Community Crew Assembly

Some huge shoutouts this week, starting with our Crew Champions who have shone this week, big well done for your hard work and we hope to see lots more of this. Who will be stood up there next week?!

There were SO many reading certificates this week too. Particular shoutout to Arnie for getting the highest reading certificate yet and also Ezra for getting his sparkly pencil for beautiful handwriting! Loads of other wonderful people to celebrate, for their hard work on TTRockstars and Numbers, for their stewardship this week and for our HOWL point winners too! Keep it up KS1, we love to celebrate your fantastic achievements.