Mrs Hay’s Recommended Book of the Month!

Hello Nursery!

I hope you have had a wonderful half term break and are excited for all of our learning, play and celebration adventures we have coming up over the next 7 weeks!

This month is Pride month and I would like to share with you my recommended ‘book of the month’ called and Tango makes three. It’s a truly beautiful true story about two very special penguins who live in Central Park Zoo in New York City named Roy and Silo who adopt a baby penguin and make their own very special family. This story reminds us that love is love!

Here are some pictures of my family enjoying the story and the very beautiful illustrations. Maybe you’d like to read this story with your family too?

Are there any books that you’ve read lately that you have loved and could recommend to us?


Sharing stories

We have had lots of lovely relaxing story times during the day today. Children have been bringing their favourite stories from home to share with their friends and it has been awesome!!

Im excited to see which stories we get to read tomorrow!

Mrs Wallace 😊

Learning Legends and our Bucket Filler…

Tianna worked super hard in maths today and achieved ‘green standard’ by working collaboratively to add two groups of objects together. We’re so proud of you Tianna! ⭐️👏🏻

Reid also worked super hard in maths today with adding amounts and modelled all of the HoWLs in group time today. Well done Reid! ⭐️👏🏻

A big well done to Kuba for working so hard and being a big boy with his toileting. What a star! ⭐️ 👏🏻

Monday Crew Reading

We had a fantastic story at the end of the day, we loved joining in with our sound effects and learning about the farm!
Don’t forget to record your masked reader video tonight… I wonder what we will read tomorrow?
Mrs Wallace

Maths Challenge

In Maths this week we are focusing on addition. Linking to one of our Key Texts ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ can you create some of your own addition lady birds like this? What do you notice when you add numbers together?

Remember to share your home learning with us by emailing it to [email protected]

Some parents will have received a reminder email today with the Parent’s Nursery Voice form to complete for your child who is moving up into Reception after the Summer holidays. Please complete at your earliest convenience. This is to ensure a smooth transition for your child as they move on to their next adventure with their new teachers.

Simply click on the ‘fill in form’ button, type your responses and click ‘submit form’.

Many thanks for your cooperation and support in your child’s learning.

The EYFS Team