Sculpture club

Just want to say a big thank you to sculpture club. They were fab at listening and learning about the different paper sculpture techniques this week! Check out what they have done below. A few more techniques to show them next week, but they have been set a challenge to think about what they’d like to start to make. Ensuring they apply some of these techniques to create something 3D!

Class 12 – Evacuation

We have all enjoyed a lovely trip to our local Methodist Church today. Where the children were asked to put themselves in the shoes of the children who were evacuated during WW2. They used some wonderful vocabulary to describe feelings which made me very proud! We also had a short introduction to one of our new class texts which shared the evacuation story of the main character, Lennie.

Ask them at home what they can remember about how the evacuation process worked or what they were allowed to take with them in their suitcase!

Here they are looking sad (on purpose) and working hard in some of the activities we asked them to take part it.

Class 12 : WW2 planes

We kicked started our day with a small but lovely activity to add to the immersion of our classroom. The children coloured wooden pegs and lolly sticks in camouflage patterns and colours to create quick and easy ww2 planes! The finished outcome looked amazing I can’t wait to get them all up in display!

Class 12 – Friendship bracelets

I think these are just gorgeous! The children were asked to pick someone to make a bracelet for, someone they maybe wouldn’t normally pick to work with. But before we got to making, the children paired up and played some getting to know you games with each other. They then spilt up with the brief of ‘designing a bracelet with one word to positively describe your chosen friend’. Tomorrow, they will be writing a post card and attaching their bracelets ready to hand them out. Take at look, I wonder who will get each one???

Class 12 – building crew

I am so incredibly proud of my crew so far this week and no doubt this will continue. They have faced a number of challenges and team building exercises which I can honestly say they have blown me away in the way they have completed them. They are showing good teamwork, communication, holding each other to account in kind and constructive ways, problem solving and building new friendships.

Thank you all for all you have achieved this week I am so proud of you all!

Class 12 – collaborative art

We have been working on our guiding question ‘how can we work together to achieve an end goal?’ The children all had a section to sketch, colour in and decorate how they pleased so when put back together in a certain order it creates our new crew sign.

We set out expectations of each other to ensure that the final piece was beautiful and showed excellent craftsmanship and ensured we held anyone accountable if their section was unfinished or rushed and not their best work… luckily they all smashed it and have done absolutely amazing. Stay posted for the final piece when I find somewhere big enough to put it!