KS1 Sports day

We would like to invite you to our sports day. It will be held on the KS2 field on Tuesday 5th of July beginning at 9.15am. Please send children to school wearing PE kit and trainers and with sun cream, a hatĀ and a waterĀ bottle. Refreshments will be available for parents and carers. We look forward to seeing you there.

The KS1 team

Celebrating class 5

Shoutout to these awesome bunch! 2 more completed reading challenges from Maya and Macky and 2 post cards given out too, well done Isla and Harly! Its been hard this week, everyone has had such a great learning attitude during assessment week. Great job, gang!

Key stage 1 celebration of learning

A huge thank you to all of the parents, carers and grandparents who came to our key stage 1 celebration of learning this afternoon! It was so hot but so many of you came and we really appreciate it…the children were thrilled!

I was so proud of how well the children spoke, the quality of their work, their acting skills and their beautiful singing!

we hope you enjoyed it just as much!

Thanks again, from the key stage 1 team! 💚💚💚

KS1 Celebration of Learning

Wednesday 22nd June, KS1 (year 1 and 2) will be holding a celebration of learning assembly to showcase the amazing learning the children have been doing this Summer Term. From 2:15pm in the hall, please enter through the main office doors. There will be refreshments and lots of awesome learning, in the form of a presentation and then chance to have a look at the work we have been doing!

We hope to see you there! KS1 Team x

Class 5 Superstars

Big well done to Lily and Riley today! Riley is the first of our class to reach the end of our reading challenge!!!! What a fab job, well done Riley, keep up the awesome reading mate šŸ˜€

Another big shoutout to Lily today for her amazing attitude to learning, she is always such a connecting connie and today BLEW me away with her handwriting and the clear pride she takes in her work. So proud! Keep it up, superstar!

Class 5 celebrations

Big shoutout to our 2 out of this world winners this week as well as a reading champ and a HOWL points champ!! Well done for all your hard work, super stars!

Keep up with these amazing learning attitudes, Iā€™m so proud of you all!