year 2 celebration of learning success

Thank you so much to all of the parents and carers that came today to celebrate by doing some of the learning that the children have done this term. This was a fantastic way of children recalling their knowledge from the term and having the chance to share what they have learnt and enjoyed doing.

we really hope that you enjoyed it as much as the staff and children did. We loved seeing the children interacting with the adults and talking confidently about their learning.

Thank you for always supporting us and we hope to see you in school again soon

Mrs Shaw and Miss Good! X x x

Year 2 in Eureka!

Please feel free to watch our video, made up of all the pictures from our amazing day at Eureka last week! It might look really long, but we just had so much fun we couldn’t not share them all!!

y2 xp outdoors

Due to the year 2 trip on Thursday we will try to fit in PE and XP outdoors tomorrow (Wednesday) but please don’t worry if you don’t have the correct equipment as we know it is such short notice.

Thank you

Mrs Shaw and Miss Good

Key stage 1 celebration of learning update

To all of key stage 1 parents…

We will be holding a science event for our children to deliver to parents as part of the celebration of our current expedition.

Please come to the hall, we will be starting at 9.15 and it will last about an hour.

Year 2 parents – Wednesday 29th March – start at 9.15am

Year 1 parents – Thursday 30th March – start at 9.15am

Hope to see you all there!

KS1 team x x

Class 9 Red Nose Day

What a fun day class 9 have had today!

It was great to see you all in red and joining in with all of the crafts and experiments we have had happening. Above are some links to the key stage 1 children singing their phase song too, which felt extra special today. They are little snippets of our community crew meeting and if you haven’t been invited in yet, please don’t worry because we can’t wait to see you soon!

Key Stage 1 team x x x

KS1 Community Crew

WOW, what a week it has been this week, from all of KS1 staff, a huge thank you for everyones hard word during our assessment week. We have seen some incredible improvements, especially in maths. I think that might be down to the wonderful work done on TTRockstars and Numbots.

Our stewardship shoutouts this week were for children who have been keeping their classrooms neat and tidy and taking ownership of their actions, choosing to tidy up after themselves but also doing it for their peers too. It is lovely to see such kind and helpful children in our phase!

We even had an amazing reading shoutout for Thea this week for getting her Gold reading certificate! What a superstar.

The best attendance this week goes to Crew Rodgers, well done to everyone in Crew Rodgers, who can beat them next week?!

Another HUGE shoutout to our Out Of This World’s this week. We found it so hard to choose this week, as everyone has worked so hard, but big well done to Lauren, Luna, Ethan, Ava, Reid and Ava-Leigh!!

I wonder who will be Out Of This World next week……

Key stage 1 community crew celebrations

What an absolutely fantastic celebration we had in our community crew this morning. Our out of this world superstars were amazing and everyone supported their achievements! We had shoutouts for fantastic stewardship, superstar readers gaining their bronze and silver certificates, class HOWL point winners and so many TT rockstars and numbots winners! we ended as always with our crew song! So proud of you all

Key stage 1 crew x x x