E-Safety Drop-in Session

Thank you to all of those who attended the E-Safety drop-in session this evening. Also a big thank you to the Digital Leaders who stayed behind to help facilitate the session!

REMINDER: Children in Need – Tomorrow!

REMINDER that Children In Need is tomorrow.

Children are able to come to school wearing PJ’s, non-uniform, super hero costumes, anything yellow and spotty.

Children do not need a contribution. However, they can bring in 50p for a bun.

Children in Need Coffee Morning will be in the hall 8:30 – 9:30am in the school hall!

If you would like to make any additional contributions to Children In Need – Please use the QR code above.

Year 2 orienteering fun!

Today, year 2 had their first orienteering lesson and I think it’s safe to say that they loved it.

They were using the maps, working together and did so much exercise running between the locations.

On top of this, key stage 1 have started their daily mile at playtimes this week. They are loving the exercise and being outside in this lovely Autumn weather.

Great job guys!

Crew Ambler – Lecture Preparation

This morning, we have been busy researching our topics in preparation for our scientific lecture all about space. Over the next few weeks, we will be using all our information to create scripts and slides ready to deliver to our audience. We can’t wait to show you what we have learnt! #OgdenTrust

Well done Thea

Huge shoutout for Thea who has raised £93 for the Armed Forces Charity. Thea has spent time over the last few weeks crocheting her own Poppy’s and selling them around school for remembrance day. Well done Thea we are all very proud of you!

Class 8’s fantastic DT

Class 8 have really grappled this week to design and build a battering ram. They have chosen their own resources and tried to create a sturdy structure with a moving mechanism. I have been blown away with how they have worked together with their partners and with how much resilience they have shown when things were hard.

Well done class 8, I am really proud!

Mrs Shaw